Solutions To Mathematics Textbooks/Proofs and Fundamentals/Chapter 2

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Exercise 2.2.1

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If is a real number, then the area of a circle of radius is .

If there is a line and a point not on , then there is exactly one line containing that is parallel to .

If is a triangle with sides of length and then

If e is raised to the power of x+y, then it is equivalent to the product of e, each one rised to the power of x and y, respectively.

If is a continuous function on the interval [a, b] and is any function such that , then the integral of f(x) on [a,b] equals F(b) - F(a).

Exercise 2.2.2

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If , then there is an integer q such that . Let q = n.

If , then there is an integer q such that . Let q = 1.

If , then there is an integer q such that . This implies , and so , and thus .

Exercise 2.2.3

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If n is an even integer, then for some integer k, .

Let .

Then .

If n is an odd integer, then for some integer k, .

Let .

Then .

Exercise 2.2.4

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If n is even, then . For integers j and k, let .

, so is even.

If n is odd, then . For integers j and k, let .

, so is odd.

Exercise 2.2.6

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If a|b, and b|bm then a|bm, implying aj = bm for some integer j.

Also, if a|c, and c|cn then a|cn, implying ai = cn for some integer i.

We let x = (j+i).

ax = aj+ai

ax = bm+cn

Which implies a|(bm+cn).

Another proof: Suppose that and . Hence there are integers and such that and . Define the integer by . Then

Because , it follows

Exercise 2.2.7

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implies that for some integer, x.

implies that for some integer, y.


for some integer, j.

Let , hence .

Exercise 2.2.8

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Suppose that . Hence there is an integer such that . if is a positive integer, define the integer by . Then

Because , it follows

Exercise 2.3.2

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Proof by contrapositive:

Assume is not even, then and .

Let then , it follows that if is not even then is not even.

Exercise 2.3.3

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It is true that does not divide . Suppose that . This means there is an integer such that . Then, we have:

We may consider the integer . Therefore, we have that . Then , Contradiction!

Exercise 2.3.4

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Let a non-zero rational number, hence there are integers and both different from zero, such that . Let an irrational number.

Suppose that the product is a rational number, hence there are integers and different from zero such that , this is , it follows that .

The last equality means that is a rational number, which is a contradiction because we supposed that was irrational. By contradiction, it follows that the product must be irrational.

Exercise 2.3.5

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Suppose that and , but does not divide . Hence there are integers and such that and . Suppose that the equation has a solution such that and are integers, then

Let , then , it follows that , which is a contradiction.