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Spanish/Web Resources

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Leer en línea (read online)

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Todos los enlaces llevan a páginas en español (all links go to Spanish language pages).

Estudiar el español (to study Spanish)

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Software (software)

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  • (links to sites where you can download software for learning Spanish)
    • Spanish Éxito The most effective Spanish learning program available.
    • Pythoñol Pythonol, an opensource Spanish learning program. Note: For Linux users
    • WordsGalore 9,100 Spanish and English Words. Flash cards. Make your own MP3s. Windows only.
    • Learn Spanish Quickly - Android app to learn Spanish

www.spanishconversationclub.com (Spanish as foreign language conversation club in London)

Diccionarios (dictionaries)

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Misceláneo (miscellaneous)

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