Spanish by Choice/SpanishPod newbie lesson A0127/Print version

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A0127: Flirting

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Liliana and JP talk about flirting in Latin America and Liliana demonstrates her most powerful weapons. As flirting requires continuous action, this is also the perfect opportunity to introduce the gerund, also known as the ing-form. The keyword is: coquetear – to flirt.


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mujer: ¡Mírala! Está coqueteando.
hombre: ¿Por qué?
mujer: Te ve y te sonríe.
hombre: ¡Perfecto! Voy a hablar con ella.

Dialogue with Translation

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mujer: ¡Mírala! Está coqueteando.
look at her (she) is flirting
woman: Look at her! She is flirting.
hombre: ¿Por qué?
man: Why?
mujer: Te ve y te sonríe.
you (she) sees and (to) you (she) smiles
woman: She looks at you and she smiles.
hombre: ¡Perfecto! Voy a hablar con ella.
perfect (I) go to talk with her
man: Perfect! I'm going to talk with her.
está coqueteando – she is flirting
te ve y te sonríe – she looks at you and she smiles at you
hablar – to talk

Vocabulary for Dialogue

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la mujer noun (feminine) the woman
el hombre noun (masculine) the man
mirar verb (infinitive) to look
¡(tú) mira! verb (imperative) (you) look! (informal, singular)
la direct object pronoun her
¡(tú) mírala! phrase (you) look at her! (informal, singular)
estar verb (infinitive) to be
(él/ella) está verb (present tense) he/she(/it) is
coquetear verb (infinitive) to flirt
coqueteando verb (gerund) flirting
está coqueteando phrase he/she(/it) is flirting
¿por qué? adverb why?
te direct object pronoun you
ver verb (infinitive) to see
(él/ella) ve verb (present tense) he/she(/it) sees
y conjunction and
te indirect object pronoun (to) you
sonreír verb (infinitive) to smile
(él/ella) sonríe verb (present tense) he/she(/it) smiles
perfecto/perfecta adjective (m./f.) perfect
ir verb (infinitive) to go
(yo) voy verb (present tense) I go
a preposition to
hablar verb (infinitive) to talk
voy a hablar phrase I'm going to talk
con preposition with
él/ella pronoun him/her(/it) (after preposition)

Vocabulary for Audio Lesson

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hablando verb (gerund) talking
caminar verb (infinitive) to walk
caminando verb (gerund) walking
hasta luego phrase see you later


More Vocabulary

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This section includes grammatically related words. Some of them are required by the exercise Dialogue Recast.

mirar infinitive to look
¡(tú) mira! imperative (you) look! (informal, singular)
¡(usted) mire! (you) look! (formal, singular)
¡(nosotros/-as) miremos! (let's) look! (m./f.)
¡(vosotros/-as) mirad! (you) look! (informal, plural, m./f.)
¡(ustedes) miren! (you) look! (formal, plural)
me direct object pronoun me
te you (informal, singular)
lo/la him/her(/it)
lo/la you (formal, singular, m./f.)
nos us
os you (informal, plural)
los/las them (m./f.)
los/las you (formal, plural, m./f.)
estar infinitive to be
(yo) estoy present tense I am
(tú) estás you are (informal, singular)
(él/ella) está he/she(/it) is
(usted) está you are (formal, singular)
(nosotros/-as) estamos we are (m./f.)
(vosotros/-as) estáis you are (informal, plural, m./f.)
(ellos/ellas) están they are (m./f.)
(ustedes) están you are (formal, plural)
ver infinitive to see
(yo) veo present tense I see
(tú) ves you see (informal, singular)
(él/ella) ve he/she(/it) sees
(usted) ve you see (formal, singular)
(nosotros/-as) vemos we see (m./f.)
(vosotros/-as) veis you see (informal, plural, m./f.)
(ellos/ellas) ven they see (m./f.)
(ustedes) ven you see (formal, plural)
me indirect object pronoun (to) me
te (to) you (informal, singular)
le (to) him/her(/it)
le (to) you (formal, singular)
nos (to) us
os (to) you (informal, plural)
les (to) them
les (to) you (formal, plural)
sonreír infinitive to smile
(yo) sonrío present tense I smile
(tú) sonríes you smile (informal, singular)
(él/ella) sonríe he/she(/it) smiles
(usted) sonríe you smile (formal, singular)
(nosotros/-as) sonreímos we smile (m./f.)
(vosotros/-as) sonreís you smile (informal, plural, m./f.)
(ellos/ellas) sonríen they smile (m./f.)
(ustedes) sonríen you smile (formal, plural)
ir infinitive to go
(yo) voy present tense I go
(tú) vas you go (informal, singular)
(él/ella) va he/she(/it) goes
(usted) va you go (formal, singular)
(nosotros/-as) vamos we go (m./f.)
(vosotros/-as) vais you go (informal, plural, m./f.)
(ellos/ellas) van they go (m./f.)
(ustedes) van you go (formal, plural)
conmigo phrase with me
contigo phrase with you (singular, informal)
con él/ella phrase with him/her(/it)
con usted phrase with you (singular, formal)
con nosotros/-as phrase with us (m./f.)
con vosotros/-as phrase with you (plural, informal, m./f.)
con ellos/ellas phrase with them (m./f.)
con ustedes phrase with you (plural, formal)


Dialogue Translation

Cover the right column, translate from Spanish to English and uncover the right column line by line to check your answers. If possible, read the Spanish sentences aloud.

¡Mírala! Está coqueteando. Look at her! She is flirting.
¿Por qué? Why?
Te ve y te sonríe. She looks at you and she smiles.
¡Perfecto! Voy a hablar con ella. Perfect! I'm going to talk with her.

Dialogue Recall

Now translate from English to Spanish. Remember to say the Spanish sentences aloud.

Look at her! She is flirting. ¡Mírala! Está coqueteando.
Why? ¿Por qué?
She looks at you and she smiles. Te ve y te sonríe.
Perfect! I'm going to talk with her. ¡Perfecto! Voy a hablar con ella.

Dialogue Remix

Translate this variant of the dialogue from English to Spanish.

Look at her! She smiles at you. ¡Mírala! Te sonríe.
Why? ¿Por qué?
She looks at you and she smiles at you. Te ve y te sonríe.
So what? (= and what?) ¿Y qué?
¡She is flirting! ¡Está coqueteando!
Perfect! I'm going to talk with her. ¡Perfecto! Voy a hablar con ella.

Dialogue Recast

This translation exercise requires some of the words from the More Vocabulary section.

Look at him! He is flirting. ¡Miralo! Está coqueteando.
Why? ¿Por qué?
He looks at you and he smiles. Te ve y te sonríe.
Perfect! I'm going to talk with him. ¡Perfecto! Voy a hablar con él.

Image Credits

  • “Image:Raquel Nunes-3.jpg” by Sergio *Savaman* Savarese (Creative Commons Attribution 2.0)
  • “Image:Goya Maja ubrana2.jpg” by Francisco de Goya (Public Domain)
  • “Image:Talk face.svg” by Linuxerist and Wiggy! (GNU Free Documentation License)
  • “Image:Learning to walk by pushing wheeled toy.jpg” Shaun MItchem (Creative Commons Attribution 2.0)