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  • Cost will be referred to as X/Y. X is the amount of minerals needed, while Y is the amount of gas.

  • There are 3 damage types other than normal: explosive, concussive, and splash.
  • Explosive does 100% to large units, 75% to medium, and 50% to small.
  • Concussive does 100% to small units, 50% to medium, and 25% to large.
  • Splash deals damage to all units in a certain radius (1/2 damage to units 1/4 pix away, 1/4 to those 1/2 away). Linear splash means that the attack travels in a line.
  • Protoss HP will be referred to as X/Y. X is their hit points, which do not regenerate, and Y refers to their shields, which do regenerate.

  • Some unit's damage will be referred to as X/Y, in which case it means the unit uses different weapons against air and ground. X will be the damage done to ground, and Y is the damage done to air.
  • Some units' attacks are separated into two parts. That means that each hit from an attack gets some reduction from armor. Likewise, all air attacks get boosts from devourer acid spores.

They are as follows:

  • Terran
    • Firebat
    • Goliath air
    • Wraith air
  • Protoss
    • Zealot
    • Scout air+ground
  • Zerg
    • None!


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Terran units are special in that all of them except the Goliath and the Valkyrie have a second or special ability besides attacking. Every combat unit has a ranged attack, and every unit can be healed, either by a medic or SCV. However, there is no way they regenerate by themselves.

SCV in-game

The "Space Construction Vehicle" is the Terran's basic gatherer/builder unit. They cost 50 minerals. Typically, when mining minerals, you'll want two of these per mineral cluster, so that during the time when one SCV is returning its load, another SCV is working the patch. Often, you can need between twelve and twenty per 'average' resource node (Around eight mineral patches). When collecting vespene gas, you'll want to assign SCVs until you see one waiting outside at all times. The SCV is arguably the only melee unit in the Terran arsenal.

Note:Doesn't trigger spider mines.

  • Built at Command Center
  • Cost: 50/0
  • Damage: 5
  • HP: 60
  • Supply: 1
  • Range: 1
  • Build: 20

Marine (Rine)

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Marine in-game

Marines are the base attack unit for the Terrans, and have the distinction of being the only initial unit with a ranged attack against both aerial and ground targets. While individually weak, you can put them in bunkers for protection - marine filled bunkers being repaired by SCVs make a very good defense if properly supported. Also, in Broodwar, train up squads of marines and mix in some medics (the famous M&M combination) - this works particularly well against Zerg. The stimpack upgrade is a must have, as with the advent of medics the increased fire rate (and hence attack damage) and speed is no longer offset by the loss of 10 HP.

Marines are never obsolete: they can do damage to anything, have a ranged attack (so they get 'free hits' against melee units, including the common Zerglings and Zealots) and can be Stimmed and mixed with medics. They do a base 6 damage against all armour types (upgradeable to 6+3 = 9), and have zero base armor upgradeable to 3.

  • Built at Barracks
  • Cost: 50/0
  • Damage: 30
  • HP: 40
  • Supply: 1
  • Range: 4 + 1 upgrade
  • Build: 24

Firebat (Bat)

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Firebats front & back in-game

The Terran Firebat is the closest thing to a melee unit in the Terran arsenal. Like a Marine, a Firebat has to walk to get around, but in lieu of the (relatively) long ranged and minor damage rifle of a Marine, they carry short ranged flamethrowers that can fry anything they can get close to. They do splash damage in a line, which means that not only the individual unit the Firebat is attacking, but any of its buddies nearby take full damage from the Firebat's attack. The label says '16 damage', but if you take splash damage into account, when attacking multiple Zealots, Zerglings, or multiple anything else the Firebat can survive to get to, it's much more.

The catch is that the Firebat deals Concussion damage - so it only deals full damage to Small units (i.e. Zealots, Zerglings, Marines...). It does half damage (8) to medium units like Hydralisks, and a quarter (4) to large units (Siege Tanks, Ultralisks) and buildings. Firebats require an Academy to be produced.

  • Built at Barracks
  • Prerequisite: Academy
  • Cost: 50/25
  • Damage: 16C/S(linear)
  • HP: 50
  • Supply: 1
  • Range: 2
  • Build: 24


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Ghost in-game

The Ghost is an infantry unit unlike the Marine and Firebat. They also have spells and abilities. For more, see Ghost.

  • Built at: Barracks
  • Prerequisite: Science Facility with attached Covert Ops
  • Cost: 25/75
  • Damage: 10C
  • HP: 45
  • Supply: 1
  • Range: 7
  • Build: 28?


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Vulture in-game

The Vulture is the base Factory unit, and like a Marine costs only Minerals, which is good for soaking up excess minerals that tend to build up in late game.


  • Cost: 75/0
  • Damage: 30C
  • HP: 75
  • Supply: 2
  • Range: 5
  • Build: 28

Siege Tank

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Tank normal & siege mode in-game

For details, see Siege Tank.

  • Built at: Factory
  • Prerequisite: Attached Machine Shop
  • Cost: 150/100
  • Damage: 30E
  • HP: 150
  • Supply: 2
  • Range: 6
  • Build: 50

Siege Mode

  • Cost: 150/100
  • Damage: 70ES
  • HP: 150
  • Supply: 2
  • Range: 12 MINIMUM OF 2

Goliath (Gol)

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Goliath in-game

The Goliath is your friend. It has not only a respectable 12 base damage against all ground units, but more importantly, a long ranged (once you research Charon Boosters (Broodwars Only)) anti air attack on par with the missile turret. The aerial attack range of the Goliath when upgraded is equal to a Zerg Guardian. An upgraded Goliath will do 20 + 12 explosive damage to anything in the air - and unlike the faster firing Missile Turrets, Goliaths are mobile. Mix in some goliaths with your attack forces so you have some anti air support superior to what Marines alone can provide, and watch the air units crash and burn.

  • Built at: Factory
  • Prerequisite: Armory
  • Cost: 125/50
  • Damage: 12/20E
  • HP: 125
  • Supply: 3
  • Range: 6
  • Build: 30

Dropship (D ship)

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Dropship in-game

The dropship is what you use when your units need to take the high road over obstacles, blockades or water (island maps), or just when you want to strategically drop units in superior positions or vulnerabilities in enemy defenses. There's nothing quite like the satisfaction of dropping a few tanks and goliaths onto a cliff and watching the tanks blast the living daylights of everything down below, while the Goliaths provide air cover. A dropship has 8 slots: marines, firebats, medics, ghosts, and SCVs take up 1. Vultures and goliaths take up two. Tanks take up 4.

  • Built at: Starport
  • Prerequisite: Attached Control Tower
  • Cost: 100/100
  • Damage: 0
  • HP: 150
  • Supply: 2
  • Range: N/A
  • Build: 60


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Wraith in-game

The Wraith is a fast airborne combat vehicle. It is capable of attacking both air and ground units. It also has the ability to cloak. Typically they're used to pester outlying enemy installations or fortifications, or sniping other aircraft (as they can turn invisible). However, if the enemy brings a "detector" the Wraiths will be revealed, which makes them vulnerable but no less effective at screwing with the enemy. Wraiths are arguably the worst aircraft, although cloaking will give them a great advantage. Wraiths are anti-air units, though they are terrible for killing ground units.

  • Cost: 125/100
  • Damage: 8/20E
  • HP: 120
  • Supply: 3
  • Range: 6
  • Build: 60

Battlecruiser (BC)

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Battle Cruiser in-game

The Battlecruiser is the Terrans most powerful air unit. BC's are sometimes used to harass the enemy with their long range Yamato Cannon. They are excellect for killing Terran missle turrets and photon cannons to enable penetration by cloaked units, or simply to let any unit in, especially fully loaded dropships. Yamato gun has the second longest range in the game, 10. Battlecruisers are generally not effective on their own, beacuse of their long cooldown. 12 battlecruisers focusing their battery power causes great damage, although the insane amount of resources needed for that number (4800 minerals and 3600 gas) could usually be better spent on larger amounts of other, more multipurpose units. A big weakness of the Battlecruiser (as well as its Protoss cousin, the Carrier) is a Ghost with a lockdown ability: once it's locked down, it is unable to move or attack, so be careful when you see a Terran enemy force recruiting Ghosts.

  • Built at: Starport
  • Prerequisite: Attached Control Tower, Science Facility with attached Physics Lab
  • Cost: 400/300
  • Damage: 25
  • HP: 500
  • Supply: 6
  • Range: 6
  • Build: 160

Science Vessel

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Science Vessel in-game

The Science Vessel is the Terrans' other spellcasting unit. It has a few spells that are useful. Defensive Matrix can be used to bolster a units hp up (it adds 250 temporary hp for which some small amounts of damage will "leak" through the shield - if your unit has only 1-3 hp, it's not a good idea to cast Defensive Matrix on it). Irradiate damages living organisms, so it can be cast on Zerg swarms to weaken a cluster of them (try casting on a group of bunched up guardians, and watch them suffer, or cast it on your seige tank. The tank won't take damage, but Zerglings that are attacking your tank will.) The other spell, EMP, takes away all the energy (spellcasting points) from units, and all the Protoss shields. A well cast EMP shockwave essentially halves the Protoss units hitpoints, it'll also force Wraiths and Ghosts to decloak. SVs are also the prime killer of Archons, whose HP is almost entirely shields (they only have 10 regular health points), making EMPs extremely effective, and Irradiate will kill an Archon almost instantly, so if your opponent is building a large amount of Archons, counter that with SVs and his army will be destroyed very quickly.

  • Built at: Starport
  • Prerequisite: Science Facility
  • Cost: 100/225
  • Damage: 0
  • HP: 200
  • Supply: 4?
  • Range: N/A
  • Build: 80


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Protoss units are unique from the other species in that they have shields that regenerate as well as health, which do not. Shields take full damage.

Units are listed on the order that they become available.


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A small robotic worker that mine minerals and harvests gas for protoss created at Nexus. Doesn't trigger spider mines. Costs 50 minerals. The probe has a projectile attack, and is used behind zeals for one hit kills on lings. The probe is the most efficient worker: It can leave buildings to warp in by themselves, so it can mine later. You can do this without management by having the building warp in, then holding shift, and right clicking on a mineral patch or Assimilator.

  • Built at: Nexus
  • Cost: 50/0
  • Damage: 5
  • HP: 20/20
  • Supply: 1
  • Range: 2
  • Build: 20


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A ground unit, a Zealot channels his enormous psychic powers into creating a plasma shield and energy blades for offensive and defensive purposes. The Zealot is excellent at hand-to-hand combat, and can take a lot of pounding. They can't attack air targets though. The zealot is the most powerful first unit, but it is extremely hard to keep up a supply of them in early game. However, 4 zerglings will murder a zeal. They are best paired with shield batteries and photon cannons to keep the zerglings away.


  • Most powerful base unit of any race in terms of ground attack power
  • A lot of health for a basic unit


  • Comparatively expensive to other base units
  • Hard to produce large number in early game without sacrificing economy
  • Cannot attack air

  • Built at: Gateway
  • Cost: 100/0
  • Damage: 16 (8X2)
  • HP: 100/60
  • Supply: 2
  • Range: 1
  • Build: 40


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A Zealot, after becoming mortally wounded, can volunteer to have its brain placed inside a robotic exoskeleton, and becomes a Dragoon. The Dragoon shoots bolts of antimatter at ground and air targets, and moves moderately quickly. However, it is hard to move large groups of them around, as they are big and bulky. They are prone to clogging up ramps or being surrounded (and slaughtered) by zerglings. The dragoon deals explosive damage, meaning only 10 damage against smaller units like zerglings. That means 4 hits, combined with its long cooldown, makes the dragoon succeptible to zealots, zerglings, and even m&ms (Marines and Medics). However, in numbers, the Dragoon is extremely effective, especially against medium and large units like Goliaths, Hydralisks, Reavers, and Siege Tanks (in regular mode, of course). Even one or two Carriers or Battlecruisers will fall quickly to a large group of Dragoons. For smaller units, however, Zealots are generally better. If used together in numbers, the two can be a deadly combination.

  • Built at: Gateway
  • Prerequisite: Cybernetics Core
  • Cost: 125/50
  • Damage: 20E
  • HP: 100/80
  • Supply: 2
  • Range: 4
  • Build: 40 (now 50)

High Templar

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Spell-caster: doesn't attack directly, but can use the powerful spell Psionic Storm, as well as hallucinations. 2 can be merged into an Archon. The psionic storm is refered to as the most powerful ability in the game. The psionic storm causes 112 damage to all units (including yours) over the period of 4 seconds. Needless to say, the psionic storm is best used against masses of zerglings or possibly the enemy worker line. Psi storm uses 75 energy- three casts with full energy. While psi storm isn't effective against all units - 112 is not enough to kill a lurker, tank, or even a dark templar or a zealot in one cast - it is still very effective against large amounts of weaker units, like zerglings, hydralisks, any Terran infantry unit, or units with low health.


  • Psionic Storm is powerful
  • Very cheap in terms of mineral cost
  • Hallucination can be an effective distraction if micromanaged properly


  • Extremely weak
  • No regular attack
  • Comparatively high cost in Vespene gas

  • Built at: Gateway
  • Prerequisite: Templar Archives
  • Cost: 50/150
  • Damage: 0
  • HP: 40/40
  • Supply: 2
  • Range: N/A
  • Build: 50


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The Archon is a psionic entity created via Archon Meld using two High Templar. It is a hovering (does not activate spider mines) melee attack unit against both ground and air based enemies. It possesses 350 shields and 10 life points. Its main attack has a fast attack rate and deals 30 points of damage, making it the third strongest Protoss unit in the game, after Reavers and Dark Templar. Archons can be extremely effective when used in numbers, so if you have a fair amount of minerals and an excess of vespene gas, consider making a number of them.

If you click on a Archon enough and it will say "power overwhelming", a StarCraft cheat code.


  • Archon is basically shields only, so it only takes 9 damage from the Zerg Plague spell.
  • Although not the highest-damaging attack in the game, the Archon's Psionic Blast has a respectably high damage rating coupled with a very fast fire rate, resulting in much damage being dealt in a short time.
  • No matter how badly the High Archon is hit, it can and will regenerate all of its shields, given the time or a shield battery.
  • Creation of a Archon in the midst of a battle from two High Templar that have been exhausted of their energy allows players to get the most out of their High Templar. Beware that Archon Meld takes a while, during which the Archon is vulnerable.
  • Unlike the Dragoon and Scout ATA attacks, the Archon's Psionic Blast is not Explosive, meaning that it deals full damage against small air based units like the Mutalisk. The Archon is the only good ground-based counter for Mutalisks.
  • The Archon's splash damage makes it a great weapon to use against stacked enemy air units, and compacted enemy units, such as zerglings.
  • Archons deal linear splash, meaning that all units in the attack path will get damaged. This is probably why the Archon's range is relatively pathetic.
  • Comparatively low cost in minerals - two high templar only cost 50 minerals each, the cost of a zealot.


  • A single hit from the Terran Science Vessel's EMP Shockwave can completely remove all of a Archon's shielding, at which point it has no chance of surviving unless it can be evacuated to safe territory immediately (With 10 hit points, a couple of SCVs could conceveably take it out).
  • Shields do not provide as much protection as standard armor and so the "High" Archon will still take full damage from Concussion type attacks.
  • Irradiate will take an Archon out in about 2 seconds.
  • The Archon has a fairly slow cooldown, so 12 zerglings will mob and kill an Archon with few casualties.
  • Costs a lot of vespene gas for production of large numbers.

  • Merged from: two High Templar

  • Cost: 100/300(2 High Templars)
  • Damage: 30 S(linear)
  • HP: 10/350
  • Supply: 4
  • Range: 2
  • Build: 20


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As its name implies, the Shuttle ferries other units by air around the map. It has no real other purpose. A shuttle has 8 "slots", explained below-

  • Probes take up 1 slot
  • Zealots and both types of templar take two
  • Dragoons and reavers take 4

Shuttles are the Protoss' "drop" unit, allowing for drop tactics like the Reaver drop and the Templar Drop.

  • Built at: Robotics Facility
  • Cost: 200
  • Damage: 0
  • HP: 80/60
  • Supply: 2
  • Range: N/A
  • Build: 60


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The Protoss equivalent of a Seige Tank, the Reaver shoots robots called Scarabs which race across the field and explode, dealing a large area of splash damage. Scarabs have a highly advanced tracking system, and are able to navigate around base defenses and friendly units to reach their targets, although at times they get stuck on these, and they also find difficulty navigating around cliffs and other similar environmental obstacles. Reavers are extremely useful against large amounts of weaker enemies; a small group of Reavers situated behind a group of Dragoons or Zealots can make short work of entire armies of Zerglings, Hydralisks, or Terran infantry. Reavers are also the Protoss' "siege" unit, able to attack base defenses from beyond their range. Downside: They move excruciatingly slowly and can't attack air targets, and also require each scarab to be purchased for 15 minerals and a short build time of 7 seconds.

  • Built at: Robotics Facility
  • Prerequisite: Robotics Support Bay
  • Cost: 200/100-15 per scarab
  • Damage: 100 S (upgradeable to 125)
  • HP: 100/80
  • Supply: 4
  • Range: 8
  • Build: 60

Observer (Obs)

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The Observer is a permanently cloaked air unit which can move around and spy on the map. Has no attack. With their Detection ability, observers are Protoss's defense against cloaked units. These are also useful for putting in unclaimed resource areas or other strategic areas (Mountain passes, lookout point, enemy perimeters) to keep tabs on the board. If your opponent doesn't have many detectors, an observer in the enemy base can be invaluable, as you will be able to observe (no pun intended) the tech tree being followed and the type of units being built, allowing you to use appropriate counters.

  • Built at: Robotics Facility
  • Prerequisite: Observatory
  • Cost: 25/75
  • HP: 40/20
  • Supply: 1
  • Build: 40


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A light aircraft, the Scout has twin guns under its wings and a pair of missile launchers. Mostly useful against heavy air units. While individually the Scout is not effective against ground units, they do a good amount of damage to them when used in numbers, which makes them good against units that don't have an air attack. The biggest and most debiliatating downside of the Scout is its extreme cost; two scouts cost more than one Carrier in the total amount of resources needed. This considerably limits its effectiveness as a mass attack unit. In general, the Corsair is better against air units, due to its low cost, but the scout is still good against them. Be wary of high numbers of mutalisks, as they will murder scouts.

  • Built at: Stargate
  • Cost: 275/125 (used to be 300/150)
  • Damage: 8/18E
  • HP: 150/100
  • Supply: 3
  • Range: 5
  • Build: 80


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Heavily armored flying machines, they manufacture robotic Interceptors to attack targets. Carriers can hold 8 Interceptors, and are very nasty if used in numbers. They are the best unit to use around shield batteries, as they can still attack when their shields are recharging. Keep in mind: While carriers have greater range than static defenses, interceptors CAN be destroyed, so carriers cannot attack static defenses with complete impunity. Interceptors are healed every time they return to the carrier, or when the stop command is given. A big weakness of the carrier (as well as the Terran Battlecruiser, a very similar unit) is a Ghost with the Lockdown ability; once the Carrier is locked down, it cannot move or attack, making it virtually a sitting duck, so be wary if you happen to spot your enemies using Ghosts.

  • Trick-Have a carrier floating above high ground. Have the carrier attack, but unlike siege tank, the enemy cannot see the carrier when the interceptors are attacking
  • Built at: Stargate
  • Prerequisite: Fleet Beacon
  • Cost: 350/250
  • Damage: See Interceptors
  • HP: 300/150
  • Supply: 6
  • Range: 8
  • Build: 140


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Small robotic fighters with limited range which are spawned from Carriers and cost 25 minerals each. They fly randomly and then all rush the target at once and shoot it and disperse. Can easily confuse an enemy as to which one to hit, and seeing tons of these things flying around can have a noticable phsycological impact on a human opponent. The solution, of course, is to attack the carrier, making all of its Interceptors self destruct. Interceptors take 20 seconds to make.

  • Built at: Carrier
  • Cost: 25/0
  • Damage: 6
  • HP: 40/40
  • Supply: 0
  • Range: 1?
  • Build: 20

Arbiter (Arb)

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Spell-caster, an Arbiter casts a cloaking field on groups of units underneath it. Its powers are Stasis Field, which freezes enemy units over a large area, making them unable to attack or be attacked - and Recall, which creates a wormhole on any area of the map that units can enter, returning them to the location of the Arbiter. You can't cloak an Arbiter with another one, unfortunately. The arbiter takes a whopping 160 seconds to warp in, tied for the longest unit to build (with the battlecruiser).

  • Built at: Stargate
  • Prerequisite: Arbiter Tribunal
  • Cost: 100/350
  • Damage: 10 E
  • HP: 200/150
  • Supply: 3
  • Range: 5
  • Build: 160

Note that except for the Infested Terran, Broodling, Guardian, Devourer, and Lurker, ALL Zerg units are created from eggs at a Hatchery (the Guardian, Devourer, and Lurker mutate from other units, Broodlings come from a Zerg Queen spell, and Infested Terrans can only be recruited at an infested Command Center).

Units will be listed according to the order they come in at the Hatchery. All units mutated from another unit will be listed under their parent unit.


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The worker unit, like the SCV. They must sacrifice themselves to make buildings, unlike Protoss or Terran. These can defend themselves the best against worker raids, due to the ability to burrow.

  • Cost: 50/0
  • Hotkey: D
  • Damage: 5
  • HP: 40
  • Supply: 1
  • Range: .5
  • Build Time: 20


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Overlords are the single most important unit of the Zerg. They give 8 supply. They are also detectors and Transports after Ventral Sacs is researched at the Lair/Hive. Non-Combat. This is the space each unit takes:

    • 1: Drone, Zergling, Infested Terran, Broodling
    • 2: Hydralisk, Defiler
    • 4: Lurker, Ultralisk
  • Cost: 100/0
  • Hotkey: O
  • Damage: 0
  • HP: 200
  • Supply: +8 to total
  • Build Time: 40

Zergling(Ling, Crackling)

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Zerlings are cheap and overwhelming to enemies. They're so good for flooding players they've given their name to a general battlefield tactic: the Zergling rush. Designed to be melee units, and can be bred two at a shot from a larva. Used in enormous numbers, they can near wipe out everything as long as they aren't killed first. 'Lings' are a common nickname for these, and 'cracklings' refer to their most upgraded form (+speed, +attack speed, +3 attack and +3 carapace). Most obvious downside, any aircraft can kill them easily, as they can't attack air targets. Also, marines in bunkers, a lot of zealots, or more zerglings can be very efficient at wiping out hordes of them.

  • Common Strategies --- 4 or 6 ling rush in the first 2 or 3 minutes of a game, Muta-ling rush within the first 7 minutes of the game, and commonly used with Defilers and Ultralisks. These stronger units, if used correctly, will act as a sponge and allow these Zerglings enough time to cause some damage.

They can be easily ripped apart using firebats.

  • Cost: 50/0 for 2
  • Prerequisites: Spawning Pool
  • Hotkey: Z
  • Damage: 5
  • HP: 35
  • Supply: 1/2
  • Range: 0
  • Build Time: 28


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Hydralisks spit hyper-velocity, super-dense darts at their enemies, ripping them to pieces. Used in great numbers, they can annihilate everything (both ground and air). These are general "mobbers": they can handle everything as they are not specialists in any kind of way. Be weary of the general mob-killers such as Tanks, Reavers, and High Templar.

Upgrading to a Lair will allow Zerg users to research "Lurker Aspect" at the Hydralisk Den, which allows Hydralisks to mutate into Zerg Lurkers.

  • Cost: 75/25
  • Prerequisites: Hydralisk Den
  • Hotkey: H
  • Damage: 10E
  • HP: 80
  • Supply: 1
  • Range:4 (Upgrade to 5)
  • Build Time: 40


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A 'small' flying creature, the Mutalisk shoots a worm at you that ricochets and hits other targets. They do fairly low damage, but are fast, and cheap for an air unit. Paired up with Zerglings they can counter nearly all enemies.

  • Cost:100/100
  • Prerequisites: Spire
  • Hotkey: M
  • Damage: 9, 3, 1
  • HP: 120
  • Supply: 2
  • Range: 3
  • Build Time: 40

Guardian (Guard)

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The Mutalisk can mutate into the armored, long-range Guardian. The Guardian can't atack air targets, and can only shoot at the ground, but is incredibly effective against ground units. Guardians are the Zerg "siege" unit, able to attack defenses from beyond their range. It is fairly slow.

  • Guardians are created in mutation from Mutalisk after researching them.
  • Cost: 50/100
  • Prerequisites: Mutalisk, Greater Spire
  • Damage: 20
  • HP: 150
  • Supply: 2
  • Range: 8
  • Build Time: 40


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Suicide units, they fly into air units and explode, dealing massive damage. Scourge are the infamous "Carrier Killers", as they are very effective against them. Five Scourge can demolish a lone Carrier, due to its slowness and ineffective attack. Battlecruisers require five as well, but the battlecruiser's weapons will take out a Scourge without Flyer Carapace in one hit. A very effective technique in ZvZ is to use Scourge against your opponent's Overlords, as if your opponent doesn't have enough of them, his/her ability to produce an army will be severely hampered.

Scourge are also good against:

  • Valkyries
  • Devourers
  • Guardians
  • Science Vessels
  • Arbiters
  • Cost: 25/75 for 2
  • Prerequisites: Spire
  • Hotkey: S
  • Damage: 110
  • HP: 25
  • Supply: 1/2
  • Range: 0
  • Build Time: 30


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A flying spell-caster. Ensnare, Spawn Broodling, Infest Command Center, and Parasite for spells.

Spawn Broodling is an instant kill for all non-robotic ground units. (Dark) Archons, Probes, and Reavers are the only "robots" in the game. Popular targets for Spawn Brooodling are High Templars, Siege Tanks, and Ultralisks. 150 energy.

Ensnare slows down enemy firing rate and speed and also detects cloaked units for a short time. 75 energy.

Parasite will allow the player to see what the units sees (even if the unit is a detector), and if a cloaked unit is parasited, all cloaked units within a certain radius will be revealed. 75 energy.

Infest Command Center allows the Queen to infest a heavily-damaged Terran command center (HP must be in the red zone). After the infestation, the Command Center will create Infested Terran. The Command Center is still flyable, and does not need to be built on Zerg Creep.

  • Cost: 100/100
  • Prerequisites: Queens Nest
  • Hotkey: Q
  • HP: 120
  • Supply: 2
  • Build Time: 50

Ultralisk (Ultra)

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Very tough and moderately damaging ground units. Most commonly used to absorb damage while other units deal it, usually large amounts of Zerglings following behind. This allows the Ultralisk to soak up fire from more powerful units - especially those with splash damage - while the Zerglings in tow inflict massive damage. However, Ultralisks can be fairly effective by themselves as well.

  • Cost: 200/200
  • Prerequisites: Ultralisk Cavern
  • Hotkey: U
  • Damage: 45
  • HP: 400
  • Supply: 4
  • Range: 0
  • Build Time: 60


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The Defiler is a spellcaster with three spells: Consume, Plague, and Dark Swarm.

Consume is used to convert a unit into 50 energy, which makes restoring energy much easier than with other spellcasters. Zerglings are usually used as fodder for Defilers, as they are only 25 minerals.

Plague causes 300 or all but 1 damage to any unit and building. This is very useful against Terran, due to the fact that they burn down. For example, if you use Plague on Supply Depots, then 1 of three things will happen:

  • 1. The player will use SCVs to repair-the player will have to use more than 75 minerals, the amount in Zerglings it takes to get the energy required for Plague.
  • 2. The player will use Medic's Restoration which requires 50 energy-healing three Supply Depots means both spellcasters wasted the same amount of energy, except the Defiler's energy is easily replenished via Consume.
  • The Supply Depots die-the Depots cost 100 minerals each, and take away 8 supply each.

Against Protoss, Plague is also very useful, as it kills their HP, which cannot be healed back. 150 energy.

Dark Swarm is the Defiler's third ability. It covers a 6x6 matrix with microscopic insects. Units in the Dark Swarm cannot take damage from projectile attacks. 100 energy.

  • Note that units under a Dark Swarm are immune to ranged attacks, a very powerful effect, but one that can cut both ways against an opponent with melee units of their own Note: Archons and Tanks will still damage units because of splash damage. However, the initial 30 or 70 attack that hits the target will be nullified to 0.
  • Cost: 50/150
  • Prerequisites: Defiler Mound
  • Hotkey: F
  • HP: 80
  • Supply: 2
  • Build Time: 50

Infested Terran

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Once a Queen has infested a sufficiently damaged Terran Command Center, the people inside are enslaved and genetically modified into explosive suicide ground units. They run up to their target(s) and explode, dealing 500 damage in a large radius. However, their relatively low hit points make it rare that these units make it to their targets.

  • Created at the infested Command Center like SCVs.
  • Cost: 100/50
  • Damage: 500 S
  • HP: 60
  • Supply: 1
  • Range: 0
  • Build Time: 40


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A Queen uses Spawn Broodling to destroy an organic unit and spawn two broodlings from that unit. They are usually good as they remind the player that an enemy High Templar/Siege Tank/Ultralisk is no longer there, but fairly useless otherwise. Broodlings may also die after their energy runs out, giving them an expiration time along with their fairly low HP.

  • Cost: 150 Queen energy for 2
  • Damage: 4
  • HP: 30
  • Supply: 0
  • Build Time: N/A