Star Fox franchise strategy guide/Characters/Katt Monroe

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Katt Monroe makes her first appearance in Star Fox 64.

Katt Monroe is the pink cat players meet in Star Fox 64. Katt has a crush on Falco Lombardi, and although he will never utter any word of it (besides "Katt...? Where'd you go?"), he really likes her to some extent himself.

Katt's story

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According to the Star Fox comic, Katt was part of a gang and, by the way it is laid out, most likely the Space Hot Rodders, the same gang that Falco himself was a part of. Katt meets up with the team in Star Fox 64 on the planet Zoness, and helps players flip a few switches (as well as in Macbeth and/or Sector Z later in the game). Katt and Falco continually talk among the transmitter, usually arguing, and has become a theme in most Star Fox fan-artists' art works. Rumor has it that Katt lives among the floating cities of Zoness.

Katt's appearance and personality

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Katt's exact species is unknown, although from her appearance and color, players can assume she is some sort of alien cat. Katt is pink with a dark cream-colored muzzle and a very feminine personality. Katt most likely has the unreleased character Faye's personality. Katt seems to have a high experience in flying.

Katt's ship

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Katt's ship is the CatsPaw. The ship is actually one of Venom's Invader-class interceptors, stolen by Katt when she was working solo against them. The craft has an extremely high velocity and a seemingly indestructible shield. The CatsPaw is quadruple winged, and consists of a pink color and a white body. The jet also sparkles as it flies by.