Star Fox franchise strategy guide/Vehicles/Wolfen

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The Wolfen (ウルフェン) is a fictional space ship piloted by the Star Wolf team in the Star Fox series of video games. Like the Arwing, the Wolfen undergoes changes in each Star Fox game.


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The first appearance of the Wolfen in a published game was in Star Fox 64 on the Fichina (Mistakenly named Fortuna) stage; they would reappear on Bolse if any of them survived or the player took a route to Bolse that avoided Fichina. A Wolfen can also appear in Training Mode during the All-Range Phase, each time the player kills 100 enemies.

The unnamed fighters of the Star Wolf team in Star Fox 2 could be called Wolfens but that remains unknown since the game was never released. Wolf had his own uniquely designed fighter while the other three members use the same design, one very similar to the one that would eventually appear in Star Fox 64.

Wolfen II

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The Wolfen II, in Star Fox 64.

The Wolfen II as seen in Star Fox 64.

The first and only appearance of the Wolfen II to date was in Star Fox 64 on Venom. They would only appear if the player went through Area 6. They had two G-Diffusers, compared to the Arwing's one, which made the ship faster. The Wolfen II had twin lasers and was capable of deflecting bombs and charged lasers, and was regarded by the in-game characters as being a superior ship to an Arwing.

The Wolfen is used by Star Wolf in Star Fox: Assault in several stages. The Wolfen can be unlocked in Star Fox: Assault for use in multiplayer, and it deals more damage at each laser level and with a charged laser. It also flies faster than the Arwing but it cannot come to a complete stop in mid-air, and is less maneuverable. It can also have a wing walker ride shotgun on one of the upper wings, as seen in the Corneria City level of the game. However, in Vs Mode, the upper wings cannot be stood upon, and players would have to use one of the lower wings.

The Wolfen appears to be almost identical in appearance to its Star Fox: Assault incarnation. Also, similar to the Star Fox team, the team pilots radical alterations of the original Wolfen design, such as the Rainbow Delta and the Black Rose. However, Wolf keeps the original Wolfen design, which has been dubbed the Red Fang in the instruction booklet.

In other games

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A Wolfen trophy can be obtained in Super Smash Bros. Melee. It also appears occasionally in both Star Fox stages of said game.

A Wolfen can be seen flying across the stage during the video clip starring Snake in Brawl.


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  • Star Fox series game manuals
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