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Stardew Valley/The Farmhouse

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This page describes your cabin/farmhouse and feature of the furniture inside. Different farm types come with different different decor and items of furniture, but they are functionally similar.

The farmhouse

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At the start of the game your farmhouse is really just a one room cabin. Inside is a small bed, a TV, a fireplace, and various decorative items.

  • The bed - Get into the bed and the game will ask if you want to go to sleep for the day/night. If you say yes, then your game is saved and is resumed the next morning.
  • The TV - Turn on the TV to get a choice of programs:
    • Weather Report - Tells you what the weather will be the next day. Weather affects the results of certain activities, especially fishing, and how your neighbors will spend the day.
    • Fortune Teller - Tells you what your luck will be on that day. Luck is most important for exploring the mine, since you can make more progress when your luck is good. Good lock has other effects as well, such as increasing the chance of getting certain items while mining, or the chance of rare fish when fishing.
    • Livin' Off The Land (Mondays and Thursdays) - These are tips to help you succeed at farming and other activities. There are new episodes for the first two years, then they start repeating.
    • The Queen of Sauce (Sundays) - This teaches you a new recipe which you can use once you get a kitchen. There is a randomly selected rerun on Wednesdays. Again, there are new episodes for the first two years, then they start repeating.
    • The Fishing International Broadcast Service ("Fishing info" on the TV menu), "F.I.B.S" for short. Despite the unfortunate name, it gives the most accurate info on the fish that can be caught that season and where. Unlocked after compleating the special order "Pam needs juice!".
  • The fireplace - You can click this to light or put out a fire. This doesn't really have any effect on gameplay, except to give you a warm feeling when it's cold outside.

Outside the house

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There are two important features outside the farmhouse:

  • Shipping Bin - This is located to the right of the house; place items in it to sell. Every night, Lewis will stop by and pick up any items that are there. You get a report of the items sold and their value, and you receive the proceeds in cash.
  • Mailbox - Every so often your neighbors will send you letters and these are placed in your mailbox before you get up in the morning. The letter may ask you for a certain item or contain a gift. The chance for this rises as your friendship from the townsfolk raises. Occasionally you may receive a letter from your parents.

Farmhouse upgrades

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Talk to Robin during business hours to see about improving your farmhouse. There are several levels:

  • Upgrade 1 adds a kitchen so you can start cooking. You also get a separate bedroom and a larger bed, allowing you to get married.
  • Cost: 10,000g and 450 Wood
  • Upgrade 2 adds an upper floor with an empty room you can use for storage, and a nursery with child beds. With the nursery you can start having children, assuming you're married.
  • Cost: 50,000g and 150 Hardwood (Hardwood is difficult to obtain until you've upgraded your axe.)
  • Upgrade 3 adds a cellar. Place casks here to age certain products, like wine and cheese, for higher quality.
  • Cost: 100,000g