Super Smash Bros. Melee/B-Attack List

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Player B Button Moves

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Character name B Smash B Up B Down B
Mario Fireball Cape Super Jump Punch Mario Tornado
Luigi Fireball Green Missile Super Jump Punch

(can become Fire Jump Punch)

Luigi Cyclone
Bowser Fire Breath Koopa Klaw Whirling Fortress Bowser Bomb
Peach Toad Peach Bomber Peach Parasol Vegetable
Dr. Mario Megavitamins Super Sheet Super Jump Punch Dr. Tornado
Yoshi Egg Lay Egg Roll Egg Throw Yoshi Bomb
Donkey Kong Giant Punch Headbutt Spinning Kong Hand Slap
Captain Falcon Falcon Punch Raptor Boost Falcon Dive Falcon Kick
Fox Blaster Fox Illusion Fire Fox Reflector
Falco Blaster Falco Phantasm Fire Bird Reflector
Kirby Swallow or copied ability Hammer Final Cutter Stone
Ness PK Cross PK Fire PK Hammer PSI Magnet
Ice Climbers Ice Shot Squall Hammer Belay Blizzard
Young Link Fire Bow Boomerang Spin Attack Bomb
Link Bow Boomerang Spin Attack Bomb
Ganondorf Warlock Punch Gerudo Dragon Dark Dive Wizard's Foot
Zelda Nayru's Love Din's Fire Farore's Wind Transform (into Sheik)
Sheik Needle Storm Chain Vanish Transform (into Zelda)
Samus Charge Shot Missile Screw Attack Bomb
Pichu Thunder Jolt Skull Bash Agility Thunder
Pikachu Thunder Jolt Skull Bash Quick Attack Thunder
Jigglypuff Rollout Pound Sing Rest
Mewtwo Shadow Ball Confusion Teleport Disable
Mr. Game & Watch Chef Judgment Fire Oil Panic
Marth Shield Breaker Dancing Blade Dolphin Slash Counter
Roy Flare Blade Double-Edge Dance Blazer Counter