Sylheti/Vocabulary/Academic Subjects

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- Introduce the importance of learning academic subject-related vocabulary in Sylheti. - Explain how understanding academic terms can be useful for education and communication.

Common Academic Subjects

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- Provide a list of common Sylheti academic subjects, such as "mathematics," "science," "history," "literature," etc. - Include pronunciation guides if possible.


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- Explain how these terms are used in educational contexts and discussions about academic interests.

School Levels and Types

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- Present Sylheti words for different levels of education, such as "primary school," "high school," "college," etc. - Describe the education system in Sylhet.

Educational Institutions

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- List Sylheti terms for various types of educational institutions like "university," "school," "library," etc.

Classroom Terminology

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- Teach Sylheti classroom-related terms, including "teacher," "student," "desk," "blackboard," "book," etc. - Include phrases used during lessons and lectures.

Homework and Exams

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- Provide vocabulary related to homework, assignments, and examinations. - Include terms for grading and evaluation.

Academic Skills and Tools

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- List Sylheti words for academic skills and tools, such as "writing," "research," "calculator," "computer," etc. - Explain how these skills and tools are utilized in education.

Study Habits

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- Share vocabulary related to effective study habits and time management.

Science and Technology Subjects

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- Present Sylheti words for science and technology-related subjects like "physics," "chemistry," "computer science," etc. - Describe the significance of these subjects in the modern world.

Laboratory Terms

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- Include laboratory-related vocabulary if applicable.

Humanities and Arts Subjects

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- Teach Sylheti words for humanities and arts-related subjects like "philosophy," "music," "fine arts," etc. - Explain the cultural and artistic aspects of these subjects.

Creative Expressions

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- Provide terms related to creative expressions, such as "painting," "writing poetry," "singing," etc.

Career and Vocational Subjects

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- List Sylheti words for career and vocational subjects, including "engineering," "medicine," "business," etc. - Describe the potential career paths associated with these subjects.

Professional Development

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- Share vocabulary related to professional development and training.


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- Provide links to further resources for learning Sylheti, especially related to academic subjects and educational materials. - Include sources for online courses or academic resources in Sylheti.


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- List any sources or references used to compile the academic subject-related vocabulary and educational information.