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Sylheti Vocabulary: Direction

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- Introduce the importance of learning direction-related vocabulary in Sylheti. - Explain how understanding directions can be useful for navigation and communication.

Basic Directional Terms

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- Provide a list of common Sylheti directional terms, such as "north," "south," "east," "west," etc. - Include pronunciation guides if possible.

Cardinal Directions

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- Present Sylheti words for the cardinal directions, including "north," "south," "east," and "west." - Explain how these directions are used in navigation.


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- Offer phrases and sentences using cardinal directions in Sylheti.

Relative Directions

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- Teach Sylheti words for relative directions like "left," "right," "up," and "down." - Include terms for indicating proximity or distance.


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- Explain how relative directions are commonly used in Sylheti.

Landmarks and Locations

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- List Sylheti words for common landmarks and locations, such as "street," "corner," "park," "building," etc. - Describe how these terms are used to describe specific places.

Directions to Places

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- Provide phrases for asking for and giving directions to locations in Sylheti.

Transportation and Travel Phrases

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- Present Sylheti vocabulary related to transportation and travel, including "bus stop," "train station," "airport," etc. - Include terms for asking about transportation options and routes.


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- Offer travel-related phrases and sentences in Sylheti.

Maps and Navigation

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- Explain how navigation and maps work in Sylheti. - Describe common tools or technologies used for navigation. - Provide guidance on using maps and compass directions in Sylheti.


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- Provide links to further resources for learning Sylheti, especially related to navigation and geography. - Include sources for maps and navigation tools in Sylhet.


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- List any sources or references used to compile the direction-related vocabulary and cultural information.