TI 83 Plus Assembly/Data Types
Data types on the TI 83+/84+
[edit | edit source]There are only 5 data types for the TI 83+/84+, one of them being an emulated one (not supported by hardware, calculated in software).
The data types are:
- uByte 8-bit value in the range of 0 through 255
- sByte 8-bit signed value in the range of -128 through 127
- Word 16-bit value in the range of 0 through 65535
- sWord 16-bit signed value in the range of -32768 through 32767
- TI float, 9 bytes, 1 sign byte, 1 signed exponent, 7 BCD bytes of the mantissa.
sword is a signed word, not a piece of metal, TI floats are not supported by hardware.
Assemblers often use db for a byte (signed or unsigned) and dw for a word (signed or unsigned).
Although TI floats are not supported by hardware, there are a lot of ROM calls for them, most of which can be found in '83psysroutines.pdf' which can be downloaded from TI's site.
For math with other data types it is best to take a look at z80bits (archived page)