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Tarot/Major Arcana

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The Major Arcana is a set of 22 cards in a traditional tarot deck, representing significant life themes, spiritual lessons, and the journey of self-discovery. These cards are distinct from the Minor Arcana (which focus on everyday events and challenges) and are often considered the most powerful and symbolic cards in the tarot.

Each Major Arcana card carries its own meaning and imagery, often depicting archetypal figures or universal concepts. When they appear in a tarot reading, they usually indicate major life events, turning points, or deeper spiritual insights.

Here is a list of the Major Arcana cards in order:

  1. The Fool (0)
  2. The Magician (I)
  3. The High Priestess (II)
  4. The Empress (III)
  5. The Emperor (IV)
  6. The Hierophant (V)
  7. The Lovers (VI)
  8. The Chariot (VII)
  9. Strength (VIII)
  10. The Hermit (IX)
  11. Wheel of Fortune (X)
  12. Justice (XI) (or VIII in some decks)
  13. The Hanged Man (XII)
  14. Death (XIII)
  15. Temperance (XIV)
  16. The Devil (XV)
  17. The Star (XVII)
  18. The Moon (XVIII)
  19. The Sun (XIX)
  20. Judgment (XX)
  21. The World (XXI)

These cards are often seen as representing the Fool's Journey, a metaphorical path of personal growth and transformation, with the Fool (Card 0) representing the seeker beginning their journey.