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Template for playing cards, will automatically color the suits with the standard red/black. To see a 4-color deck, copy the following into your user style sheet:

/* Standard four-color deck */
.diamonds { color: blue !important }
.clubs { color: green !important }

{{cards|Ac|Kd|Ts|2h}} and {{cards|A♣|K♦|10♠|2♥}} will produce the same output:

{{cards|Ac|Kd|Ts|2h}}A♣ K♦ 10♠ 2♥
{{cards|A♣|K♦|10♠|2♥}}A♣ K♦ 10♠ 2♥

Stand-alone suit symbols: {{cards|c|d|s|h}} gives    .

See also

[edit source]