Template:Computer Science Design Patterns/Page

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[edit source]

Format a page for the book. The page can then be rendered as a book page, a printable page or a link in a table of content.


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Name Description Required? Default value Values
mode How the page should be displayed. Yes stage reading


content The content of the page. Yes The content of the page is missing. Add it in the content parameter.
stage The stage of the page. Yes 0


stage date The day the stage has been rated. Yes Mmm DD, YYYY
stage comment What should be done to finish the page. No
page The page in the book. No The absolute page
absolute page The complete page name in wikibooks. No Computer Science Design Patterns/xxx
page title The decorative page name. No
previous The previous page. No The absolute previous page
title previous The decorative previous page name. No
absolute previous The complete previous page. No Computer Science Design Patterns/xxx
next The next page name. No The absolute next page
title next The decorative next page name. No
absolute next The complete next page name. No Computer Science Design Patterns/xxx
page break before Add a break before the page at printing. No yes
page break after Add a break after the page at printing. No yes