Template:Horticulture/Cat-topic (add "y" where applicable)
This template is deprecated. Use [[{{BOOKCATEGORY}}/Path/To/Category|{{SUBPAGENAME}}]] to file your page under Category:Book:Horticulture. For plants, pests, diseases, herbicides, pesticides, and weeds, the templates their pages use automatically file their pages into the proper category.
{{Horticat-topic (add "y" where applicable)| | Soil = | Weed control = | Pruning = | Planting = | Design = | Hand tools = | Power tools = | Lawns = | Mulches = | Hardscapes = | Fences = | Garden fixtures = | Water management = | Erosion control = | Pest and disease management = | Organic gardening = | Composting = | Materials = | Nursery techniques = | Small farm techniques = | Arboriculture = | horticat-topic template version (used for robotic updates) = 8.3.6 }}