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The sections in red should not be edited under any circumstances. They're part of the structure of the infobox. The black sections should be replaced with the appropriate text.

|image=[[Image:the name of an image of the Pokémon|the width of the image, expressed in pixels px]]
|name=the Pokémon’s name goes here
|number=the Pokémon’s 3-digit National Pokédex number
|preceding=[[the name of the Pokémon immediately preceding this Pokémon in the National Pokédex*]]
|following=[[the Pokémon immediately following this Pokémon in the National Pokédex*]]
|johto_number=the Pokémon’s 3-digit Johto Pokédex number
|johto_preceding=[[the Pokémon immediately preceding this Pokémon in the Johto Pokédex*]]
|johto_following=[[the Pokémon immediately following this Pokémon in the Johto Pokédex*]]
|hoenn_number=the Pokémon’s 3-digit Hoenn Pokédex number
|hoenn_preceding=[[the Pokémon immediately preceding this Pokémon in the Hoenn Pokédex*]]
|hoenn_following=[[the Pokémon immediately following this Pokémon in the Hoenn Pokédex*]]
|sinnoh_number=the Pokémon's 3-digit Sinnoh Pokédex number]]
|sinnoh_preceding=[[the Pokémon immediately preceding this Pokémon in the Sinnoh Pokédex*]]
|sinnoh_following=[[the Pokémon immediately following this Pokémon in the Sinnoh Pokédex*]]
|jname=the Japanese name of this Pokémon. Use only official Romanizations; i.e. "Lizardon" as opposed to "Rizādon"
|evolves_from=[[the Pokémon this Pokémon evolves from; if there’s none, just put ''None'' **]]
|evolves_to=[[the Pokémon this Pokémon evolves into; if there’s none, just put ''None'' ***]]
|generation=the generation in which it was introduced
|species=the species name of this Pokémon
|stage=the Pokémon’s evolutionary stage
|type=the Pokémon’s primary type
|type2=the Pokémon’s secondary type or leave blank, if none
|height=the Pokémon’s height in feet and inches, with unit included, in the format: # ft # in
|metric_height=the Pokémon’s height in meters, without units
|weight=the Pokémon’s weight in pounds, without units
|metric_weight=the Pokémon’s weight in kilograms, without units
|ability=the Pokémon’s possible abilities in the 3rd generation and later
|gender=the percentage of a Pokémon being either male or female. If they are neither, list them as Genderless
|egg_group=the Egg Group(s) the Pokémon is in.
|hatch_steps=the number of steps that the player character must take before the Pokémon's egg can hatch.
|catch_rate=The rate of catching the Pokémon
|base_exp=the number of experience points that the Pokémon starts out with
|max_exp=the highest number of experience points that the Pokémon can have

Make sure you remove any asterisks from the template Wikisyntax before posting.

* - The Pokémon/Pokédex/ link prefix is automatically included, so only add the Pokémon's name.
** - If the Pokémon only has a pre-evolution in certain games, add a note: <br /><small>(''only in [[whichever game(s)]] and later'')</small>|
*** - If the Pokémon only has an evolved form in certain games, add a note: <br /><small>(''only in [[whichever game(s)]] and later'')</small>|