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From Wikibooks, open books for an open world

This is a template designed for the book ROOT. It should be used to embed exercises into other pages.


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Parameter Default Value Mandatory Description
#1 various yes Name of the exercise to embed.

Further Explanation

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  • If necessary: Create a new page for the exercise and name it Template:ROOT/Exercises/A new ROOT Exercise. Put <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> tags around the question.
  • Go to the page you want to embed the exercise and add {{ROOT/Exercise|A new ROOT Exercise}}. Note that the Template:ROOT/Exercises/ in the exercise's name is omitted!
  • Also embed the exercise on the page ROOT/Exercises.


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In this example, we embed the exercise Trying Interactive ROOT which is located at the page named Template:ROOT/Exercises/Trying Interactive ROOT.

{{ROOT/Exercise|Trying Interactive ROOT}}


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Exercise: Trying Interactive ROOT
On an interactive ROOT session: Fill an array of 100 000 000 64Bit floating point numbers of the machine independent ROOT type Double_t with random numbers. Compute the mean of the array and print it to the console. Note the computation time.

Hint: You can get random real numbers by creating a pointer to an instance of the TRandom class. (The constructor takes one arbitrary integer as initialization.) Then you can call the method TRandom::Rndm() to get a simple pseudo random number uniformly distributed between 0 and 1. For example:

TRandom *R = new TRandom(time(0));  // create a pointer to a new instance of TRandom in the heap
cout << R->Rndm() << endl;