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The Computer Revolution/Databases/Transaction Processing System

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Transaction Processing System (TPS)

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A Transaction Processing System (TPS) also known as data processing systems are used within many companies to provide support and organization in the processing of large amounts of paperwork. TPS(s) are often used when producing or recording things like pay checks, invoices, student tuition bills and payment reminders. A TPS would most likely be found in a business’s accounting/billing department and is a necessity for many large companies that may produce hundreds if not thousands of transactions every day. The primary function of a TPS or data processing system is to effectively and efficiently process and record any data that is a result of a transaction. Users of transaction processing systems include lower level management, supervisors and operations personnel. What sets a transaction processing system apart from a management information system is that TPS(s) bring the entire transaction process full circle from start to finish and incorporate many divisions within a business. (http://www.basicsofcomputer.com/function_of_transaction_processing_system_tps.htm)

Programs that are called Transaction Processing Systems (TPS) by supporting transaction processing provide three functional areas:

1. System run-time functions:

⋅ environment that ensures integrity availability and     
  security of data
    ≈Scheduling and loading balancing
    ≈Managing system resources
    ≈Monitoring the progress of tasks
    ≈Managing communications
    ≈Time management
⋅ fast response time and high transaction throughput

2. System administration functions:

⋅ administrative support that lets users configure, 
  monitor, and manage their transactions.

3. Application development functions

⋅ functions for use in custom business applications, 
  including functions to access data, to perform inter-
  computer communications, and to design and manage the
  user interface.

Sources: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/txformp/v6r0m0/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.cics.te.doc%2Ferziaz0019.htm