The Devonshire Manuscript/Alas that men be so vngent
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←What thyng shold cawse me to be sad | Who hath more cawse for to complayne→ |
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f. [27v]
1 Alas that men be so vngent
2 to order me so creuelly
3 off ryght they shold them self repent
4 yff they regard there honesty
5 They know my hart ys set so sure
6 {es}{{th}+t+} that all ther wordes can not prevayle
7 Tho that the thynke me to allure
8 wyth doubyll tonge and flaterynge tayle
9 alas me thynke the do me wronge
10 That they wold haue me to resyne
11 my tytly tytle wych ys good and stronge
12 that{{th}+t+} I am yowrs1 and yow ar myne
13 I thynke the wold that I shold swere
14 your company for to forsake
15 but ons ther ys no worldly fere
16 shal cawse me such anothe to make
17 ffor I do trust ere yt be longe
18 that{{th}+t+} god off hys benyngnyte
19 wyll send us ryght where we haue wrong
20 for servyng hym thus faythfulye
21 Now fayre ye well my none swete wyfe
22 Thu Trustyng that shortely I shall here
23 from yow the stay off all my lyfe2
24 whose helth alone ys all my chere
Notes & Glosses
[edit | edit source] 1. This phrase connects to "That tyme that myrthe dyd stere my shypp"(17v) and "am el mem"(67v).
2. This phrasing is resonant.
[edit | edit source]Attributed to Lord Thomas Howard,[1] this poem was entered into the manuscript by TH2. Similar to the speaker's declaration of steadfastness in the previous poem, here the speaker assures his loyalty to his lover despite pressures from others to forsake his beloved. The speaker calls his love “my none swete wyfe” (line 21), a sentiment which also appears as “my none” in the following poem, "Who hath more cawse for to complayne" (28r).