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The Devonshire Manuscript/And wylt thow leve me thus

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Marvell nomore Altho That tyme that myrthe dyd stere my shypp
The Devonshire Manuscript facsimile 17r

 f. [17r] 

{9}{p`} 1    And wylt thow leve me thus
2    Say nay say nay ffor shame       and thys chefly
3    to save the from the Blame
4    of all my greffe & grame1
5    And wylt thow leve me thus
6    Say nay Say nay

7    And wylt thow leve me thus
8    that hathe lovyd the so long
9    in welthe & woo Among
10    & ys thy hart so strong
11    as for to leve me thus
12    Say nay Say nay

13    And wylt thos leve me thus
14    that hathe gevyn the my hart2
15    neuer for to Depart
16    nother for payn nor smart
17    And wylt thow leve me thus
18    Say nay Say nay

19    And wylt thow leve me thus
20    & have nomore Pyttye
21    of hym that lovythe the
22    helas thy cruellte
23    & wylt thow leve me thus
24    Say nay Say nay

fynys quod{q+d+} W.s

Notes & Glosses

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     1. "Grame" means sorrow.
     2. Note the rough rhythm.


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Attributed to Sir Thomas Wyatt,[1] this poem was entered by H2. The lover laments that his beloved has left.

Here H2 follows his previous lettering style, using large and exaggerated majuscules for the words "Blame," "Depart," and "Pyttye," as well as the word "Say" in the refrain (see also "Bownd am I now & shall be styll" (8v), "May not thys hate from the estarte" (10v), "What menythe thys when I lye alone" (12v), "ys yt possyble" (14r), "My lute awake performe the last labor" (14v), and "Alas poore man what hap have I" (15v)). This poem is is also one of seventeen entries where Margaret Douglas marks “and thys.” Paul Remley has suggested that these annotations relate to another in-text annotation of hers, “lerne but to syng it” (81r), and may indicate a group of texts to be learned for entertaining.[2]

Works Cited

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