The Devonshire Manuscript/Dryven bye desire I dede this dede
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←now all of chaunge | I abide and abide and better abide→ |
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f. [81v]
1 Dryven bye desire I dede this dede
2 to daunger my silf with{w+t+}out cause whye
3 to truste the vntrue not like to spede
4 to speke. and pro{p2}mise faithefullie
5 but nowe the proof dothe verifie
6 that who so trustithe or he kno.
7 Dothe hurte himsilf . and please his ffoo.
[edit | edit source]Attributed to Sir Thomas Wyatt,[1] this poem was entered by H8. This poem comments on naïve expectations and trusting too hastily; similar to many courtly love lyrics, the poem can be interpreted as criticizing both love and politics. The poem also appears in Tottel's Miscellany under the title “Of sodaine trusting” (item 122).[2]
Works Cited
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Textual Notes
[edit | edit source]Texts Collated
[edit | edit source]Collation
[edit | edit source]1 Dryven bye] DRiuen by STC_13860_05 bye] by DBla05 dede] dyd DBla05 did STC_13860_05
2 to] To STC_13860_05 daunger] danger STC_13860_05 silf] self DBla05 STC_13860_05 without cause whye] without'cause why: STC_13860_05 whye] why DBla05
3 to] To STC_13860_05 truste] trust DBla05 STC_13860_05 the vntrue] thuntrue STC_13860_05 like] lyke DBla05 spede] sped DBla05 spede, STC_13860_05
4 to] To STC_13860_05 speke.] speke DBla05 speake STC_13860_05 promise faithefullie] promas faithfully DBla05 faithefullie] faythfully: STC_13860_05
5 but] But STC_13860_05 nowe] now DBla05 STC_13860_05 proof] prouf DBla05 proufe STC_13860_05 dothe] doth DBla05 STC_13860_05 verifie] verefy DBla05 verifie, STC_13860_05
6 that] That STC_13860_05 who] whoo DBla05 so] soo DBla05 trustithe] trustith DBla05 trusteth STC_13860_05 or] ar DBla05 ere STC_13860_05 kno.] knoo DBla05 know. STC_13860_05
7 Dothe] Doth DBla05 STC_13860_05 hurte] hurt DBla05 STC_13860_05 himsilf .] hym self DBla05 him self STC_13860_05 please] pleas DBla05 ffoo.] foo DBla05 foe. STC_13860_05