The Devonshire Manuscript/I am not ded altho I had a falle
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←What dethe is worsse then this | My hope alas hath me abusid→ |
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f. [74r]
1 I am not ded altho I had a falle
2 the sonne retornis that{{th}+t+} was undre the clowde
3 and when{_e} fortune hath spit out all her gall
4 I truste good luk to me shalbe allowide
5 for I have sene a ship in to haven{_e} fall.
6 after the storme hath broke both maste & shrowde
7 {{th}+e+} {w+t+} {{th}+t+} and eke the willowe that slowpith withthe wynde
8 Dothe Rise againe & greter{t'} wod doth binde
[edit | edit source]Attributed to Sir Thomas Wyatt,[1] this poem was entered by H8 and is a translation of Serafino Aquilano’s strambotto “Sio son caduto interra inon son morto.”[2] The speaker has fallen from favour, but hopes that Fortune will smile again on him (in love or political matters). The poem also appears in Tottel's Miscellany under the title “That louer hopeth of a better chance” (item 72).[3]
Works Cited
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Textual Notes
[edit | edit source]Texts Collated
[edit | edit source]LEge12, STC13860_09, L36529_02
[edit | edit source]1 I am] IH amehe is LEge12 HE is STC_13860_09 ded] dead L36529_02 dead, STC_13860_09 altho] although L36529_02 altho I had] all though I hadthat sometyme hath LEge12 altho I] that somtime STC_13860_09 falle] fall L36529_02 fall. LEge12 STC_13860_09
2 the] The STC_13860_09 sonne] sonn L36529_02 Sonne LEge12 STC_13860_09 retornis] returns L36529_02 retornesth/ LEge12 returnes, STC_13860_09 that was undre] that hid was vnder STC_13860_09 undre] hid vnder L36529_02 vnder LEge12 the clowde] clowde L36529_02 the clowde. LEge12 clowd. STC_13860_09
3 and] And STC_13860_09 when] whan L36529_02 fortune] Fortune STC_13860_09 spit] spitt LEge12 spit out] spytt owt L36529_02 out] oute LEge12 gall] gall// LEge12 gall, STC_13860_09
4 truste] trust L36529_02 LEge12 trust, STC_13860_09 luk] luck L36529_02 LEge12 STC_13860_09 to me shalbe] shalbe to me L36529_02 shalbe] shall be STC_13860_09 allowide] allowde L36529_02 allowede. LEge12 alowd. STC_13860_09
5 for] For, STC_13860_09 have] haue L36529_02 STC_13860_09 sene] seen L36529_02 STC_13860_09 ship] shipp L36529_02 LEge12 in to] into L36529_02 LEge12 to] STC_13860_09 haven] the haven L36529_02 hauen STC_13860_09 fall.] fall, STC_13860_09
6 after] After STC_13860_09 after the] when L36529_02 the] that STC_13860_09 both] boeth LEge12 maste] mast L36529_02 LEge12 maste, STC_13860_09 & shrowde] and shroude. STC_13860_09 shrowde] also shrowde L36529_02 shrowde LEge12
7 and eke the willowe that slowpith] The willowe eke, that stoupeth STC_13860_09 willowe] willow L36529_02 slowpith] stowpith L36529_02 stoppeth LEge12 wynde] winde L36529_02 winde, STC_13860_09
8 Dothe] Doth STC_13860_09 Dothe Rise againe &] doth ryse againe and L36529_02 doeth ryse again: and LEge12 Rise] rise STC_13860_09 againe &] againe, and STC_13860_09 greter] greater L36529_02 LEge12 STC_13860_09 wod] wood L36529_02 STC_13860_09 wode LEge12 doth] doeth LEge12 binde] bynde L36529_02 bynd. LEge12 binde. STC_13860_09