The Devonshire Manuscript/Mye love toke skorne my servise to retaine
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←Greting to you bothe yn hertye wyse | Tanglid I was yn loves snare→ |
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f. [79v]
1 Mye love toke skorne my servise to retaine
2 wherein me thought she vsid crueltie
3 sins with{w+t+} good will I lost my libretye
4 to followe here wiche causith all my payne
5 Might never care cause me for to refrayne
6 but onlye this wiche is extremytie
7 gyving me nought alas asnot to agree
8 that as I was her man I might remayne
9 But sins that thus ye list to ordre me
10 that wolde have bene yorser{{s}8}uante true and faste
11 displese the not my doting dayes bee paste
12 and withe my losse to leve I must agre
13 for as there is a certeyne tyme to rage
14 so ys there tyme suche madnes tasswage to assuage /
[edit | edit source]Attributed to Sir Thomas Wyatt,[1] this poem was entered by H8. The lady scorns the lover, but seeks to retain his service. The lover, in turn, recognizes his “madness” and amends his behaviour. The poem also appears in Tottel's Miscellany under the title “The louer abused renownseth loue” (item 75).[2]
H8 emphasizes the form of this sonnet by marking the two quatrains. H8 also leaves a slight space between the stanzas and the initial letter of the first word of every stanza is capitalized.
Works Cited
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Textual Notes
[edit | edit source]Texts Collated
[edit | edit source]Collation
[edit | edit source]1 Mye] MY STC_13860_13 love] loue STC_13860_13 toke] to STC_13860_13 skorne] skorne, STC_13860_13 servise] seruice STC_13860_13 retaine] retayne, STC_13860_13
2 wherein me thought she] Therin (me thought) you STC_13860_13 vsid] vsed STC_13860_13 crueltie] crueltie. STC_13860_13
3 sins] Since STC_13860_13 libretye] libertie, STC_13860_13
4 to followe here wiche causith all my payne] STC_13860_13
5 never] neuer STC_13860_13 care] wo yet STC_13860_13 for] STC_13860_13 refrayne] refrain, STC_13860_13
6 but] But STC_13860_13 onlye] onely STC_13860_13 this] this, STC_13860_13 wiche] which STC_13860_13 extremytie] extremitie, STC_13860_13
7 gyving] To geue STC_13860_13 alas not] (alas) nor STC_13860_13 agree] agree, STC_13860_13
8 that] That STC_13860_13 was] was, STC_13860_13 her] your STC_13860_13 remayne] remain. STC_13860_13
9 sins] synce STC_13860_13 ordre] order STC_13860_13 me] me, STC_13860_13
10 that] That STC_13860_13 wolde] would STC_13860_13 have] haue STC_13860_13 yor] your STC_13860_13 seruante] seruant STC_13860_13 true] true, STC_13860_13 faste] fast: STC_13860_13
11 displese] Displease STC_13860_13 the] you STC_13860_13 not] not: STC_13860_13 dayes bee paste] time is past. STC_13860_13
12 and] And STC_13860_13 withe] with STC_13860_13 leve] leaue STC_13860_13 agre] agree. STC_13860_13
13 for] For STC_13860_13 certeyne] certayn STC_13860_13 tyme] time STC_13860_13 rage] rage: STC_13860_13
14 so ys] So is STC_13860_13 tyme] time STC_13860_13 suche] such STC_13860_13 tasswage /] to aswage. STC_13860_13