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The Devonshire Manuscript/The Ioye so short alas the paine so nere

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My herte I gave the not to do yt paine Eche man telles me I chaunge of my devise
The Devonshire Manuscript facsimile 75v

f. [75v]

1    The Ioye so short alas the paine so nere
2    {m'}{p+} the waye so long the departure so smarte
3    the furst sight alas I bought to dere
4    {p+}{_o} that so sodonnelye now from hens must parte
5    the bodye gone yet remaine shall the herte
6    {w+t+}{w+t+} with her withwiche for me salte teris shallded Raine
7    and shall not chaunge till that{{th}+t+} we mete againe

8    tho tyme doth passe / yet shall not my love
9    tho I be farre always / my hert is nere
10    tho other chaunge yet will not I remove
11    tho other care not / yet love I will & fere
12    tho other hate / yet will I love my dere
13    tho other woll of lightnes saye adewe
14    yet woll I be founde stedefast and trewe /

15    when other laughe /. alas then do I wepe /
16    when other wype sing /. then do I waile & crye
17    {p+}{_u} when other runne perforcyd I am to crepe
18    When other daunce / in sorro I do lye
19    when other Ioye / for paine welnere I dye
20    thus brought   from{_o} welthe / alas tendlespaine
21    that undeser{{s}8}uid / causeles to remayne /



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Attributed to Sir Thomas Wyatt,[1] this poem was entered by H8. Although the speaker labours under undeserved pain, he will not forsake his love.

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