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The Devonshire Manuscript/Wyth sorowful syghes and wondes smart

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Now may I morne as one off late What thyng shold cawse me to be sad
The Devonshire Manuscript facsimile 26v

 f. [26v] 

1    Wyth sorowful syghes and wondes smart
2    my hart ys persed sodaynly
3    to morne off ryght yt ys my part
4    to wepe to wayle full grevously

5    the bytter tears doth me constrayne
6    all tho that I wold yt eschew1
7    to wyte off them that dothe dysdayne
8    faythfull louers that be so trew

9    The one off us from the{{th}+e+} other they do absent
10    wych unto us ys a dedly wond
11    seyng we loue in thys yntent
12    yn godes{es} laws for to be bownd

13    Wyth syghes depe my harte ys prest
14    Duryn{_y}g off great paynes among
15    to see her dayly whom I loue best
16    yn great and untollerabel sorows strong

17    Ther doth not lyue no lovyng hart
18    but wyll lament ower greuous woo
19    and pray to god to ease owre smart
20    and shortly togyther that we my may goo

fynis ma r h []2

Notes & Glosses

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     1. This word is also used in poetry by Henry VIII.
     2. The initials may refer to Lady Mary Howard or Lady Margaret Douglas, after her betrothal to Lord Thomas Howard .


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Attributed to Lord Thomas Howard,[1] this poem was entered by TH2 into the Devonshire Manuscript. Based on the initials, "marh," signed at the bottom of the poem, Margaret Douglas could also have composed the poem after her betrothal to Thomas Howard. Alternatively, the initials may be attributed to Mary Howard, which could signify her support of the beleaguered couple. By using her maiden name to associate herself with her brother Thomas Howard, Mary Howard distances herself from her husband Henry Fitzroy, an illegitimate son of Henry VIII, and his family. The initials “MH” are also found in “O myserable sorow withowten cure” (58v). “O myserable sorow withowten cure” (58v) emphasizes the pain borne by a true lover, who is subsequently punished because of his love.

Works Cited

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