The Devonshire Manuscript/ffanecy fframed my hart ffurst
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f. [61v]
1 ffanecy fframed my hart ffeuurst
2 to bere good wyll and seche the same
3 I sowght the best and ffownd the wourst
4 yet ffansy was no dell to blame
5 ffor ffancy hawe a dobell neame
6 and has her neame so ys her kynd1
7 ffancy a ffoo and ffancy a ffrend2
f. [62r]
8 ffancy ffolowyd all my desyer
9 to lyk wher as I had best lust
10 what cold I mor off her requyr
11 than ffor that thyng wyche neds I must
12 and fforsyt me styl ffor to be Iust
13 in thys she showyd her selff my ffrend3
14 to mak me lord off my nown mynd
15 [thys ffraned ffancy]
15 thys ffayned ffancy at the last
16 hath ca^usyd me ffor to beware
17 off wyndy words and bablyng blast
18 wych [b] hath offtymes cast me in snare
19 and broght me ffrom my yoy4 to care
20 wherffor I mak thys promes now
21 to brek my ffancy and nat to bowe
Notes & Glosses
[edit | edit source] 1. The 'y' in 'kynd' has two dots over it.
2. The 'y' in 'ffrynd' has two dots over it.
3. The 'y' in 'ffrynd' has two dots over it.
4. The 'y' in 'yoy' has two dots over it.
[edit | edit source]Written in Margaret Douglas's hand, this poem remains unattributed. H12 enters the first three lines of the poem and part of the fourth line directly below the last stanza of this poem on "fancy framed my hart ffrust" (62r). Both examples show indications of revision by an unidentified hand. "ffanecy fframed my hart ffurst" explores the common courtly trope of fancy. In this case, fancy is both foe and friend to the lover.
Textual Notes
[edit | edit source]Texts Collated
[edit | edit source]Collation
[edit | edit source]ffanecy] fancy LDev097 fframed] framed LDev097 ffeuurst] ffrust LDev097
2 wyll] m wyll LDev097 sechee] seke LDev097
3 I] y LDev097 wo^urst] worst LDev097
4 was no delle to blame] LDev097
5 ffor ffancy hawe a dobell neame] LDev097
6 and has her neame so ys her kynd] LDev097
7 ffancy a ffoo and ffancy a ffreynd] LDev097
8 ffancy ffolowyd all my desyer] LDev097
9 to lyk wher as I had best lust] LDev097
10 what cold I mor off her requyrer] LDev097
11 than ffor that thyng wyche ueds Iniust] LDev097
12 and fforsyth me styl ffor to be Iust] LDev097
13 in thys she showyd her selff my ffreynd] LDev097
14 to mak me lord off my nown mynd] LDev097
15 thys ffraned ffancy] LDev097
15.1 thys ffayned ffancy at the last] LDev097
16 hath ca^usyd me ffor to beware] LDev097
17 off wyndy words and bablyng blast] LDev097
18 wych b hath offtymes cast me in snare] LDev097
19 and broght me ffrom my yyoy to care] LDev097
20 wherffor I mak thys promes now] LDev097
21 to brek my ffancy and nat to bowe] LDev097