The Devonshire Manuscript/ther ys no cure ffor care off miyd
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←I se the change ffrom that that was | as ffor my part I know no thyng→ |
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f. [41r]
1 ther ys no cure ffor care o off miyd mind 1
2 but to fforget wych can nat be
3 I cannat sayll agayst the wynd
4 nor help the thyng past remedy
5 yff eny seche adwersety
6 do trobell owther with{w+t+} seche lyk smart
7 thys shall I say ffor charety
8 I pray god help every woffull hart
Notes & Glosses
[edit | edit source] 1. There is no macron to supply the spelling needed for the rhyme.
[edit | edit source]Written in Margaret Douglas's hand, this poem remains unattributed and is unique to this manuscript. The lyric laments the powerlessness of the speaker in the face of adversity, a sentiment which resonates with Douglas’s position vis-à-vis Henry VIII when her engagement to Thomas Howard was discovered. Margaret Douglas's writing appears so faintly on the page that it becomes almost unreadable.