The Exceptional Anatomy Lab/About
[edit | edit source]After teaching anatomy labs, three to ten times a week for more than fifteen years, I realized that I have developed, borrowed, and been shown so many techniques that make the classes work better and helped the students learn faster.
In order to help other instructors who are struggling with teaching their first Science Lab Classes, I plan to write these techniques down here.
This book is designed to Aid Instructors to not only survive teaching Anatomy, but to thrive. It is a rewarding subject and well worth the effort.
Book Structure
[edit | edit source]This book will include lesson plans, materials lists, testing techniques, etc. But instructors will still need to develop their own prelabs, tests, and lectures.
Topics to include in lecture will be suggested, but please tailor your work to fit the audience you will be teaching.
Sometimes discussions will be made about alternative teaching methods and when to use them. These come from my personal experience, as I have experimented with many methods with differing amounts of success. Overall the teaching methods I am listing were ones that have proven successful for me in Community College and High School settings.
Feedback Commentary and Adding to this book
[edit | edit source]Since I am writing of my personal experience, please do not alter my commentaries except to correct spelling errors. If you wish to add commentary of your own, please sign your name to the bottom of the page, and add your name to the title page as an author.
If you have new labs to add. Please start a new page. If you have questions, or comments for me personally, please append them to the talk pages.
I hope that this book is useful to you. I accumulated this knowledge over many years, and I am grateful if it makes anyone's work even a little bit easier or better.
Teach Well, and Stay Happy!
- Rosalyn Hunter, M.S.
Anatomy Lab Instructor