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The Legend of Zelda/Underworld/Quest 2/Dungeon 7

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  • Obtain the Red Candle.
  • Beat a four headed Gleeok.
  • Obtain a Heart Container.
  • Obtain the seventh Triforce piece.


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  • Blue Candle
  • Ladder
  • Arrow
  • Bow
  • 50 Rupees or Heart Container

Dungeon walkthrough

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To access this dungeon, you must first burn down a tree in A-4 of Section 2. Enter into A-4 from either the north or the east; burn the left-hand tree of the pair that is at the top of the column of trees dividing the area. Loop back around to access A-4 from the west side to gain entrance. However, you should never enter the dungeon without first collecting the Ladder — you risk becoming trapped and will either need to reset the game or use the second controller to access the save screen. In addition, you should have 50 rupees to complete the dungeon.

  • From the entrance, enter the left door to claim the compass and defeat the Zols.
  • Return to the entrance, head right, and fight past the Darknuts and Pols Voice and enter through the next right door.
  • Fight past more Darknuts and use the ladder to cross the stream while avoid contact with any red bubbles. Enter the right door.
  • Now you must defeat all of the Darknuts and Gibidos. When you have succeeded, push the block which is straight walk to the right from the left door to reveal a staircase. Take the stairs to an underground passage.
  • When you arrive, fight past the Keese and enter the bottom door. Defeat all of the Darknuts and Pols Voice and push the leftmost of the center blocks to reveal a stairwell. Take the stairs to find the Red Candle.
  • Return to the room above and defeat all of the Keese in order to push the left most block and gain access to the underground passage and use it to return.
  • Once you're back, go through the right door and you'll encounter a Manhandla. You must defeat it in order to push the left most block and open the doors. Proceed through the right door.
  • Fight your way past the Darknuts and proceed through the top door. Defeat all of the Darknuts in this room to obtain the map. Continue through the top door.
  • Defeat all of the blue Darknuts to open the door above and obtain a blue rupee. Enter the top door and fight past the blue Darknuts to the door above. You only need to defeat all of them if you intend to return through the bottom door.
  • You'll encounter a blue Gohma which you must fire three arrows in to defeat. When you defeat it, the door above will open. Go through and defeat all of the Keese and push the left most block to reveal a staircase to an underground passage.
  • Take the underground passage and arrive in the room full of blue Darknuts. You only need to defeat them if you intend to push the leftmost center block so you can return through the underground passage. Go through the top door.
  • Push the center block, and head right, but only if you have 50 rupees. You will encounter a man who forces you to leave behind one heart container or 50 rupees. Leave the rupees and enter the door below.
  • Defeat all of the Darknuts, and push the block that is the left most block in the center (fourth) row of the room to reveal a staircase to yet another underground passage.
  • Take the passage, and when you arrive, fight past the Darknuts and Bubbles, and unlock the door on the left and proceed through.
  • Defeat all of the blue Darknuts to open the left door and also obtain a set of bombs. Proceed through the left door to fight the boss of the dungeon.
  • The boss is a four headed Gleeok. Each head must be stabbed until it starts to fly freely around the room. Once the head is free, it is still a threat, and can not be defeated. The only way to beat Gleeok is to destroy every one of the attached heads.
  • Defeat it to earn a Heart Container. Continue on through the left door to obtain the seventh piece of the Triforce.


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  • A fairy pool is three screens west, and three north.