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The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (2019 video game)/Tail Cave Exploration

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Dungeon Notes

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Dungeons function somewhat differently then other areas. Here you can press - to view a map, which supports up to 20 independent markers.

When saving in a dungeon, the save does not always reload where the save was made, but at the dungeon entrance.

Exploring Tail Cave

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The first room contains a path west and north. Take the western path.

This room contains a bridge over a pit, with two monsters on the bridge. A few swipes will push them over the edge and into the pit, handily dispatching them. Once both are defeated, a small key will drop down. Grab it and continue west.

Continue west to find a small room with a chest and a door that locks behind Link. Four slimes pop out near the chest, and fireballs are thrown at Link from nearby torches. Beat the slimes and open the chest to gain the compass for the dungeon. The door opened up earlier, so head out.

Head north from the entrance room to find a room with a central pit, a turtle monster, and two small red slimes. Knock them into a pit and move to the button near the top of the pit. Press it to make a treasure chest appear in the northeast corner of the room, which contains a small key.

The room to the right contains two bats and two skeletons. The skeletons can be beat by forcing them to jump backwards until they can't jump out of range. Beat them and a chest will appear, which contains the full dungeon map.

Go to the north panel in the room and run into it. Move to the west to the chest, and quickly open it to get another small key. Once all the insect enemies in the room are defeated, a chest appears, which contains 20 rupees.

Move the block in the northern part of the room up to block the blade trap, then unlock the northern door.

Move the westernmost block in the room to the right to open the door.

This next room contains two spiny turtle enemies. Bump them with your shield to expose their soft underbellies. Beating them exposes a secret staircase in the northeast corner.

Welcome to the first platforming segment. This changes perspective from top down to side view. The Goombas here can be beaten by falling on them or by slashing them with the sword.

Head into a chamber with a north dead end. Two blades will attack Link as he approaches the chest. Consider faking them out to create an opening. Inside the chest is the Roc's feather, which allows Link to jump. Jumping can be used to dodge obstacles and hazards, such as the blades in the room. It can also be used to grab goodies like the flying hearts in the room.

Go back to the largest room and jump into the northeast corner. Unlock the block and go to the chest to get the Nightmare key, which is needed to fight the boss.

Then go to the southeast corner of the room. Unlock the eastern door and head in. Go north to find a room with three enemies. To beat them strike them all so their card suites match. Pay attention to their timing if you have difficulty with matching them. Doing this successfully defeats them, and makes a chest appear. This chest contains a Stone beak.

Go down a chamber and head to the right to encounter the first mini boss. To beat it, jump over the roller to reach the mini boss and strike. After a few sword strikes the mini boss goes now. This releases a fairy, as well as a portal to the dungeon entrance.

Go north to find a room with four blade traps, a staircase down, and a locked northern door. Unlock the north door to face the boss (Nightmare).


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Moldorm is a larger version of the earlier insect enemies, and has its vulnerable point at its tail end. With every strike Moldorm becomes faster. At the start there are a few holes, along with a rim of cracked flooring. If Link falls down a hole, he'll end up in a basement, where he can climb up to try again. After a few strikes Moldorm is defeated. This causes a heart container to appear, and if Link touches it he gains a full extra heart, as well as a heart recover.

Go to the north chamber to receive the 'Full Moon Cello, and be sent to the entrance with a cryptic message about a swamp.

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