The Maryland Entrepreneur's Guide/Springboard Enterprises

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Springboard Enterprises

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Springboard Enterprises is an organization designed to foster women business entrepreneurs by supporting emerging companies led by women. It describes itself as a "go-to organization" to obtain information and support for women-led emerging companies. This support is intended to accelerate access to equity markets for women-led companies by offering workshops and seminars, membership programs, education, coaching, connections with investors, forums, and a web-based learning center.

  1. Venture Forums are designed to feature women-led emerging businesses in front of venture capitalists.
  2. Educational programs are offered to provide information regarding the equity markets and building a new company.
  3. The Learning Center is an online site designed to provide women entrepreneurs with a "virtual boot camp" regarding the equity raising process. The site contains resources designed to help women better understand the process of obtaining financing for emerging companies. The site contains tutorials on fundamentals of the equity market, creating a pitch, preparing a business plan, and other tools, resources and videos.