The animals speak/The panthers of Love

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(Leopard, or panther, Panthera pardus)

They are called panthers of Love because they come from the banks of the river Amour (Hēilóngjiāng, "river of the black dragon") in China. The male and the female lived together for a long time. But for three years, because of the captivity breeding program, they no longer have the right to meet, because all sexual relations are forbidden to these panthers of Love. They can therefore only be seen separately. They sometimes show their indignation against this forced separation.

The hundred steps of the male in front of the door of the female

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The female is like a lion in a cage

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She looks at me in the face

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The powerful

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The gaze of the feline

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The ears of the feline

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He takes place for the siesta

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He looks at me fixedly

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He begins to fall asleep

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