The implementation of E-Government/E-Government by country/Thailand/Unified state web portal GovChannel

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Web portal of GovChannel
Multilanguage - Thai
Mobile versionNo
Social NetworksNo
Official website:

The GovChannel web portal is a unified web portal that brings together seven government sites that provide public services in electronic form to the population.


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To use a specific government site, simply select one of the seven government sectors:

  • INFO.GO.TH - government information: regulations, acts, licenses and guidelines that can be used when contacting the organization (695339 official manuals);
  • DATA.GO.TH - a set of publicly available information of public institutions, as well as open source data sources (1,200 open source data sets);
  • APPS.GO.TH - government applications that can be downloaded from any mobile device (293 state application);
  • EGOV.VO.TH - e-service center (or e-government portal), where users can choose online services (845 sources of public services);
  • BIZ.GOVCHANNEL.GO.TH - public services developed exclusively for the business sector. Corporate entrepreneurs and investors can get consulting services to start a business through online channels available on mobile devices, anywhere and anytime (34 services);
  • GOVSPENDING.DATA.GO.TH - information on public spending, in particular on taxes paid by citizens (4,444,299 public sector projects);
  • NSO.GO.TH - statistical and information services.