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 ← Points in Sets Sequences Subspaces → 

A sequence in a space is defined as a function from the set of natural numbers into that space, that is . The members of the domain of the sequence are and are denoted by . The sequence itself, or more specifically its domain are often denoted by .

The idea is that you have an infinite list of elements from the space; the first element of the sequence is , the next is , etc. For example, consider the sequence in given by . This is simply the points Also, consider the constant sequence . You can think of this as the number 1, repeated over and over.


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Let be a set and let be a topology on
Let be a sequence in and let

We say that " converges to " if for any neighborhood of , there exists such that and together imply

This is written as


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  1. Give a rigorous description of the following sequences of natural numbers:
  2. Let be a set and let be a topology over . Let and let be a neighbourhood of .
    Let and . Similarly construct neighbourhoods with . Let be a sequence such that each .

    Prove that

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