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Traditional Chinese Medicine/Fu Ping

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Name Means:

  • Fu-Float
  • Ping-Duckweed

English Name:

  • spirodela
  • duckweed

Chinese Name:

  • 浮萍 (Pinyin: fú píng)

Latin Name:

  • Herba Lemnae Seu Spirodelae [1]

Taste & Temperature:


  • Foot Tai Yang of Urinary Bladder
  • Hand Tai Yin of Lung

Actions & Indications:

  • disperse Wind-Heat (Spicy & Cool)


  • Qi & Yin deficiency causing excessive sweating


  • Yin syndrome
  • Blood deficiency
  • chronic skin infection

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  1. ZHOU Jing, WANG Bo-chu, WANG Yang. "Determination and Evaluation of Saccharides Content in Extract of Herba Spirodelae Seu Lemnae Polysaccharides", Journal of Chongqing University(Natural Science Edition) October, 2005.