Traditional Chinese Medicine/Sheng Ma

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Name Means:

  • Sheng-Ascending
  • Ma-Hemp

English Name:

  • cimicifuga rhizome
  • bugbane rhizome
  • black cohosh rhizome

Chinese Name:

  • 升麻 (Pinyin: shēng má)

Latin Name:

  • Rhizoma Cimicifugae [1]

Taste & Temperature:


  • Hand Tai Yin of Lung
  • Hand Yang Ming of Large Intestine
  • Foot Tai Yin of Spleen
  • Foot Yang Ming of Stomach

Actions & Indications:

  • disperse Wind-Heat (Spicy & Cool)
  • raise Yang Qi
  • lower or sink the qi in the Middle Jiao
  • clear heat & detoxify
  • release rashes


  • Qi & Yin deficiency causing excessive sweating
  • Yin deficiency with Heat
  • upper excess & lower deficiency
  • fully-erupted measles
  • difficulty in breathing


  • Yin deficiency
  • Blood deficiency
  • chronic skin infection


  • .5-3 qian (1.5-9 grams)

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  1. J.X. Li, J. Liu, C.C. He, Z.Y. Yu, Y. Du, S. Kadota, H. Seto. "Triterpenoids from Cimicifugae rhizoma, a novel class of inhibitors on bone resorption and ovariectomy-induced bone loss", Maturitas, Volume 58, Issue 1, 20 September 2007, Pages 59-69