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Trainz/Using the Trainz Discussions Forums

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Auran's Trainz Discussion Forums are the center of the vast Trainz online community. Much like any other forums, there are some common do's and don'ts to be aware of.


  • State your computer specifications when requesting technical help.
  • State your Trainz version and build number.
  • Post screenshots of your upcoming work and keep people updated.
  • Take heed of the code of conduct and the moderators in force.
  • Try and post in the relevant section of the forum.

Do Not:

  • Post the same post in multiple threads.
  • Use enormous signatures/banners.
  • Ask questions before searching the forums first. Many simple problems have been asked by people many times before, and the answer can be found by a simple search.
  • Post information regarding cracked software or illegal download sites etc.

The Trainz forum is a welcoming community and has many long-term well established members. Most content creators provide updates of upcoming or recent releases via this forum. If you do not own any web space, the most common way of posting screenshots directly into the forums is by using an image hosting company such as ImageShack.

Using the options in the forums, it is possible to customise your signature and your avatar. The avatar is the train image next to your name on any post. There are many avatars to choose from various regions of the world.

My Trainz Forums Experiences

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The Trainz Forums was once the place to go if you were a fan of the Trainz program. This was the place to go to get answers for all of your Trainz questions and needs. In resent years the Trainz forum has been going on a downward spiral. Unprofessional mods and a helpless helpdesk seems to be the rule lately with curtain privileged forum members that are aloud to verbally attack other members with no consequences. If your plans are to go there to complain, let me save you a trip because you are wasting your time. They will ban you from the forums with or without reasons. I myself was banned from the forums because I complained about the mods getting out of hand. I also complained about Zec Murphy from the helpdesk who ignored my initial complaints and banned me for no reason other then my discontent for him. He had another forum member come to the forums and attack me while he watched and waited for me to attack back so he could get a good reason to ban me. That never happened so he banned me without reason. If you want the evidence of this, go to the "Why Are My Post Being Deleted" Thread on the forums and see for yourself. A message was sent to N3V about this but at this time the owner of the N3V company refuses to deal with this issue. I have currently removed all N3V programs from my computer and refuse to buy anymore until N3V fixed the problems on their forum.