Umbraco/Installation/Installing Umbraco on Windows XP Professional

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Installing Umbraco on Windows XP Professional

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By Claus Nedergaard – Nedergaard Design & Marketing, Denmark.

A guide to the First time Installation of

  • IIS 5.1
  • .Net Framework
  • MSDE 2000
  • Database Manager
  • Umbraco CMS 2.1.1
  • additional copies of Umbraco CMS 2.1.1

on Windows XP Professional

Install IIS 5.1 on Win XP Pro

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  • Choose Control Panel -> Add Programs.
  • Choose Add/Remove Windows components – then pick IIS and press next. ( You need the XP Pro cd for this). And then Finish.
  • Now you have the Inetpub folder on your root directory – C:\inetpub. It contains the web, mail, ftp folders

Install .NET Framework on Win XP Pro

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  • Autorun the Win XP Pro cd. From the menu choose install .Net Framework. Follow the onscreen instructions

- or -

  • Download the .NET Framework 1.1 from Microsoft and install it
  • Restart the computer

Install MSDE on Win XP Pro

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  • Download and run MSDE200A installer from Microsoft
  • Follow the on screen advice/commands. (unpacks files in c:\msde2000a
  • Open DOS command prompt.
  • Type -> cd c:\msdeRelA
  • Type-> setup SAPWD=”YOURCHOISEOFPASSWORD” securitymode=SQL –> press enter ( The default installation of msde uses windows authentication by default).
  • Restart the computer

Install MSDE Manager on Win XP Pro

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  • Download and run Setup_DbaMgr2k
  • Follow the onscreen instructions.

Install Umbraco 2.1.1

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  • Create folder for website in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\’website name’
  • Copy all files from the folder to that folder.
  • Change permissions for the ‘data, media, css, xslt,user controls’ folders. But first change the default file permissions for win xp. See below.

Change default file permissions for Win XP

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  • Pick Start -> This Computer.
  • In the top menu choose Functions -> Folder options.
  • Choose Show (Vis).
  • Uncheck the ‘Simple file sharing’ box.
  • Now you can change the permissions. Pick all 5 folders (css, media, data, xslt, user controls) – right click and choose Properties.
  • Pick Security tab. Pick Add..
  • Type aspnet in the text box and click Ok.
  • Check Modify (Redigering) to allow modify and write permission to aspnet account.

Create Website

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  • Open IIS and right click Default Site (Standardwebsted) -> New -> Virtual Folder.
  • Follow the onscreen guide - Type website name and copy it.
  • Choose folder (c:\inetpub\wwwroot\’website name’)
  • Give read access and permission to run scripts (ASP). Finish the guide
  • Cut the umbraco_client folder out of your webfolder and place it in the Default Site folder so it is at the same node (gren) as the website itself. (This seems silly but nevertheless necessary to make umbraco run in XP Pro).
  • Right click the webfolder if necessary and make the root folder your websitefolder.

Create new database

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  • Create new database – Open Database Manager
  • Choose databases -> right click and pick ‘New Database’
  • Enter database name and choose path for the database (c:\inetpub\wwwroot\’website name’\data\database_name)
  • Save and close window
  • Open Logins and type a Name and a Password in the ‘General tab’. In the ‘Default connection information’ you pick the database to attach the Login to.
  • Pick the ‘Database access’ tab. Choose your database by marking it. In the ‘Database roles’ you pick db_owner, db_datareader, db_datawriter. Save and close window
  • Open database and right click on Users – pick New User. Type the login and Name that was created under Logins. Check db_owner, db_reader, db_writer.

Edit Web.Config file

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  • Open with Wordpad. Go to the bottom where it says …<appSettings>
  • Change the path name in these lines. Usually you have to add in the website name.


<add key="umbracoReservedUrls" value=",/umbracoTextGen.aspx,"/>
<add key="umbracoReservedPaths" value="/umbraco/,/install"/>
<add key="umbracoContentXML" value="/data/umbraco.xml"/>
<add key="umbracoStorageDirectory" value="/data"/>
<add key="umbracoPath" value="/umbraco" />
<add key="umbracoDbDSN" value="Server=;
<add key="umbracoSmtpServer" value=""/>


<add key="umbracoReservedUrls" value=",/Website_name/umbracoTextGen.aspx,"/>
<add key="umbracoReservedPaths" value="/Website_name/umbraco/,/Website_name/install"/>
<add key="umbracoContentXML" value="/Website_name/data/umbraco.xml"/>
<add key="umbracoStorageDirectory" value="/Website_name/data"/>
<add key="umbracoPath" value="/Website_name/umbraco" />
<add key="umbracoDbDSN" value="Server=YourServerName;
<add key="umbracoSmtpServer" value=""/>
  • Save and close the file.

Install Umbraco 2.1.1

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  • Open Umbraco Interface in IE by typing your localhost and path – "http://localhost/UmbracoDemo1/install/default.aspx"
  • In the Umbraco 2.1 Configuration Wizard first window press Next.
  • Click Install and then Next.
  • You should now be looking at a page saying…’Your permission settings are perfect!’ – Click Next.
  • You might be asked to change your password. Change it!
  • Open the Web.Config file. Go to the bottom and find this line…
<add key="umbracoConfigurationDone" value=""/>

Now you add 211 to that line…

<add key="umbracoConfigurationDone" value="211"/>
  • Save and close file.
  • Click Next. Download the WebSiteWizard package.
  • Delete the install folder ’c:\inetpub\wwwroot\’website_name’\install’
  • Login to Umbraco ‘http://localhost/website_name/umbraco’ and enter Username and Password. Username is always ‘umbraco’ as default. Password is what you chose in the configuration when you were asked to change it.
  • Install sample website - Go to ‘Developer’ section. Right click on ‘Macros’ -> choose ‘Import Package’
  • Follow onscreen instructions to configure sample website

Getting the websiteWizard .umb package to work on your new Umbraco site

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If you have followed these instructions and put your copy of Unbraco in a subdirectory under your root directory (wwwroot\yoursite) then you will need to make some changes to the CSS and Template files of the websiteWizard.umb package after you install it if you want to see the site properly. After installing the websiteWizard package:

  • open the template folder and edit the Main template. Add your path information to the CSS includes so that they are used to render the page.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/yoursite/css/wizard.css" type="text/css">
  • add your path information to the URLs for the header image and top background image.
<a href="/yoursite/" title="Back to front page" id="header" style="background: 
url(/yoursite<?UMBRACO_GETITEM field="headerImage" recursive="true"/>
<img src='/include/emotions/wink.gif'/>">
  • open the Wizard CSS file and add your path information to the pullBackground.png reference so the graphic can be found.
background: url(/yoursite/css/wizard/pullBackground.png);

At this point your Wizard based site should render as expected. Many thanks to Thomas Höhler for this tip. - Cecil Thornhill, USA

Install additional copies of Umbraco 2.1.1

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Place Umbraco files on the computer

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  • Create folder for website in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\’website name’
  • Copy all files from the folder to that folder.
  • Change permissions for the ‘data, media, css, xslt,user controls’ folders.
  • Pick all 5 folders (css, media, data, xslt, user controls) – right click and choose Properties.
  • Pick Security tab. Pick Add..
  • Type aspnet in the text box and click Ok.
  • Check Modify (Redigering) to allow modify and write permission to aspnet account.

Create Website

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  • Open IIS and right click Default Site (Standardwebsted) -> New -> Virtual Folder.
  • Follow the onscreen guide - Type website name and copy it.
  • Choose folder (c:\inetpub\wwwroot\’website name’)
  • Give read access and permission to run scripts (ASP). Finish the guide
  • Right click the webfolder if necessary and make the root folder your websitefolder.
  • Under the Documents tab add default.aspx and move it to the top of the list

Create new database

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  • Create new database – Open Database Manager
  • Choose databases -> right click and pick ‘New Database’
  • Enter database name and choose path for the database (c:\inetpub\wwwroot\’website name’\data\database_name)
  • Save and close window
  • Open Logins – right click and choose new login. Type a Name and a Password in the ‘General tab’. In the ‘Default connection information’ you pick the database to attach the Login to.
  • Pick the ‘Database access’ tab. Choose your database by marking it. In the ‘Access granted to database for this login’. In ‘Database roles’ you pick db_owner, db_datareader, db_datawriter. Save and close window
  • Open database and right click on Users – Check to see if your newly created Login is visible under ‘Users’. If not pick New User. Type the login and Name that was created under Logins. Check db_owner, db_reader, db_writer.

Edit Web.Config file

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  • Open with Wordpad. Go to the bottom where it says …<appSettings>
  • Change the path name in these lines. Usually you have to add in the website name.


<add key="umbracoReservedUrls" value=",/umbracoTextGen.aspx,"/>
<add key="umbracoReservedPaths" value="/umbraco/,/install"/>
<add key="umbracoContentXML" value="/data/umbraco.xml"/>
<add key="umbracoStorageDirectory" value="/data"/>
<add key="umbracoPath" value="/umbraco" />
<add key="umbracoDbDSN" value="Server=;Database=YOUR_DATABASE;
<add key="umbracoSmtpServer" value=""/>


<add key="umbracoReservedUrls" value=",/Websitefolder_name/umbracoTextGen.aspx,"/>
<add key="umbracoReservedPaths" 
	value="/ Websitefolder_name/umbraco/,/ Websitefolder_name /install"/>
<add key="umbracoContentXML" value="/Websitefolder_name/data/umbraco.xml"/>
<add key="umbracoStorageDirectory" value="/Websitefolder_name/data"/>
<add key="umbracoPath" value="/Websitefolder_name/umbraco" />
<add key="umbracoDbDSN" value="Server=YourServerName;Database=YOUR_DATABASE;
<add key="umbracoSmtpServer" value=""/>
  • Save and close the file.

Install Umbraco 2.1.1

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  • Open Umbraco Interface in IE by typing your localhost and path – ‘http://localhost/website_name/install/default.aspx'
  • In the Umbraco 2.1 Configuration Wizard first window press Next.
  • Click Install and then Next.
  • You should now be looking at a page saying…’Your permission settings are perfect!’ – Click Next.
  • You might be asked to change you password. Change it!
  • Open the Web.Config file. Go to the bottom and find this line…
<add key="umbracoConfigurationDone" value=""/>

Now you add 211 to that line…

<add key="umbracoConfigurationDone" value="211"/>
  • Save and close file.
  • Click Next. Download the WebSiteWizard package.
  • Delete the install folder ’c:\inetpub\wwwroot\’website_name’\install’
  • Login to Umbraco ‘http://localhost/website_name/umbraco’ and enter Username and Password. Username is always ‘umbraco’ as default. Password is what you chose in the configuration when you were asked to change it.
  • Install sample website - Go to ‘Developer’ section. Right click on ‘Macros’ -> choose ‘Import Package’
  • Follow onscreen instructions to configure sample website