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Lets talk...
About Me

Hello everyone, my name is Ashley Crooks. My husband, John, daughter, Addison, dog, Diogi, and I live in Virginia Beach right by the beaches of the Chesapeake Bay. John, an ex chef and commercial fisherman, recently opened a seafood market in Norfolk. If there are any seafood lovers in the area, it's located on 17th Street in between Granby and Monticello, right next to the Painted Lady. Also, John and I just celebrated the arrival of our first child in late November. Addison finally made her appearance 10 days late after a grueling 30 hour labor. Our Shepard Mix, Diogi, is missing those long walks on the beach, but loves his new sister. As for myself, I graduated five years ago from Radford University with a BS in Broadcast Journalism. After college I began working for Bubba’s Marina and Lesner Inn Catering Club where I did event planning, managing a seafood market, and weekend bartending. The 60+ hour work weeks wore me out once I got pregnant and I left last June. Being a new mother, I decided to pursue my passion to teach. In my opinion, teaching offers a great schedule if you have children. So here I am, full-time Mom, part-time fish cleaner, and student.

My Philosophy...
on Education

I had never really considered what my personal philosophy of education was, but now that I have given it some thought I find that I am really passionate about making learning fun. I can remember countless classes where I sat staring at the blackboard or the teacher lecturing, not absorbing anything because it was so boring. My mission as a teacher is to engage and join together my students. I'd like to implement some fair competition, deliberation, and group work where they can develop a learning heirarchy so students can learn from other students.