User:Alandmanson/Crop production in KwaZulu-Natal Annotated Bibliography

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Cropping systems

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Weed management

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Soil fertility

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Farina, M.P.W. and Channon, P., 1988. Acid‐subsoil amelioration: I. A comparison of several mechanical procedures. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 52(1), pp.169-175.DOI PDF
Abstract: In many high potential cropping areas, particularly of the tropics and subtropics, crop exploitation of subsoil moisture reserves is prevented or severely curtailed by high levels of exchangeable Al. Since the effects of surface incorporated lime on subsoil acidity are minimal in most highly weathered soils, specialized mechanical and/or chemical procedures are required to overcome the problem. This work was conducted in order to assess the practicalities of mechanical profile modification and to compare the efficacy of several possible procedures. In a field experiment with maize (Zea mays L.) on a strongly acidic Plinthic Paleudult conventional moldboard incorporation of lime was compared to lime incorporation using a deep moldboard plow, the Wye‐double‐digger, a modified subsoiler capable of incorporating vertical bands of ameliorated topsoil to depths of 0.7 m, and a deep limer designed to ameliorate vertical bands of soil to a similar depth. All the procedures tested proved superior to conventional liming, the average response to profile modification ranging from over 1 400 kg ha 1 in a season in which severe moisture stress was experienced to approximately 400 kg ha−1 in an exceptionally high rainfall season. Yield responses were related to increases in rooting volume and to changes in root configuration. Segmental liming proved as effective as deep plowing or double digging.

Farina, M.P.W. and Channon, P., 1988. Acid‐subsoil amelioration: II. Gypsum effects on growth and subsoil chemical properties. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 52(1), pp.175-180.DOI PDF
Abstract: In many highly weathered soils crop exploitation of subsoil moisture reserves is severely curtailed by toxic levels of Al. Since vertical movement of lime is usually extremely slow in such soils, specialized mechanical and/or chemical procedures are required to overcome the problem. A field experiment with maize (Zea mays L.) on a strongly acidic Plinthic Paleudult examined the effects of surface‐incorporated gypsum on yield, root development, and profile chemical properties for four cropping seasons. The effects of gypsum (10 Mg ha−1) were time dependent, but by the fourth season had resulted in a cumulative grain yield gain of 3.4 Mg ha−1. Progressive depressions in the level of exchangeable Al were accompanied by increases in subsoil Ca, Mg, and SO4‐S. Water pH increased markedly in the zone of maximum SO4‐sorption/precipitation, but pH determined in KCl remained unchanged. By the fourth season the effects of gypsum on subsoil root development were striking. These results indicate that surface incorporation of gypsum is an economically viable approach to subsoil amelioration on soils such as that studied here.

Farina, M.P.W., 1997. Management of subsoil acidity in environments outside the humid tropics. Plant–soil interactions at low pH: sustainable agriculture and forestry production. Brazilian Soil Sci Soc, Campinas, pp.179-190. PDF
Subsoil acidity, both natural and anthropogenic, is an important yield-limiting factor for agriculture in vast areas of the world. Although more widespread in the moist tropics, strongly acidic subsoils occur over a surprisingly diverse spectrum of climatic conditions. This review examines subsoil acidity and its management in areas generally drier and cooler than the the humid tropics. Here, acid subsoils are more localized, Al toxicity is more important than Ca deficiency, and reserve acidity often makes the amelioration of subsoil acidity particularly demanding. The economic viability of approaches used with great success in the moist tropics is often tenuous in the less humid subtropics, and alternative ameliorative or avoidance strategies must be considered.These include the use of specialized tillage practices, exploitation of differential crop tolerance to acidity and careful N use. Findings from long-term field experiments are used to illustrate the potential benefits to be derived from such strategies.

Ichami, S.M., Shepherd, K.D., Hoffland, E., Karuku, G.N. and Stoorvogel, J.J., 2020. Soil spatial variation to guide the development of fertilizer use recommendations for smallholder farms in western Kenya. Geoderma Regional, p.e00300. DOI
A 10000-ha block of land in western Kenya was sampled to investigate the spatial variation in maize grain yields in relation to soil fertility parameters (organic C, total N, P and extractable cations). Soil organic C was found to be a key soil property that influenced maize yield; it varies over short distances in maize fields of the region. It was suggested that fine-scale digital soil maps could help refine fertilizer recommendations.

Johnston, M.A., Farina, M.P.W. and Lawrence, J.Y., 1987. Estimation of soil texture from the sample density. Communications in soil science and plant analysis, 18(11), pp.1173-1180. DOI PDF
This paper shows that the density of dried and milled soil samples can be used to estimate the clay content of soils sampled in KwaZulu-Natal.

Manson, A.D., Miles, N. & Farina, M.P.W., 2017. FERTREC Notes and Norms: Explanatory notes and crop and soil norms for the Cedara computerized fertilizer advisory service. KwaZulu-Natal Department of Agriculture and Rural Development. DOI PDF
The fertilizer recommendation service of the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Agriculture and Rural Development is based on soil analysis. This document details the procedures used to interpret soil analyses and produce fertilizer and lime recommendations based on those analyses; these procedures were developed using the results of over 30 years of field and laboratory calibration research in KwaZulu-Natal.

Roberts, V. G., Adey, S. & Manson, A. D., 2003. An investigation into soil fertility in two resource-poor farming communities in KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa). South African Journal of Plant and Soil 20, 146-151. DOI PDF
Low soil fertility is one of the major constraints affecting resource-poor farmers in KwaZulu-Natal. However, nutrient depletion status is field specific. This paper investigates the hypothesis that among KwaZulu-Natal resource-poor farmers' fields, the fields closer to the homestead are more intensively managed and that this is reflected in the fertility status of these fields. This study indicates the higher fertility status and better management of ‘homefields’ in comparison to ‘outfields’, and reflects different management systems being used in resource-poor farmers' fields. Also highlighted is the need to sample individual fields to make cost-effective fertilizer and lime recommendations, rather than making blanket recommendations in districts or wards.

Sumner, M.E. and Farina, M.P., 1986. Phosphorus interactions with other nutrients and lime in field cropping systems. In Advances in soil science (pp. 201-236). Springer, New York, NY. DOI PDF
Abstract: A survey of recently published textbooks and journal papers in the field of soil fertility and plant nutrition indicates that the authors seldom see fit to devote much attention to the interplay between nutrients in relation to yield enhancement in field cropping systems. This is a reflection of the widely adopted approach of varying only one or possibly two nutrients at a time in field experimentation. Without factorial designs involving a number of nutrient factors at varying levels, serious study of interactions is not possible. Until field research in soil fertility pays greater attention to the multifactor approach, there will be little prospect of verifying the large number of nutrient interactions previously studied under greenhouse or solution culture conditions.

Pest and disease management

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EPA. 2020. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Principles
Wikipedia. 2020. Integrated pest management

Agronomic crops in KwaZulu-Natal

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Sugar cane ‎Saccharum officinarum

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Maize Zea mays

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Includes maize produced for grain, silage, green mielies and sweet corn.

Weed management for maize

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Farina, M.P.W., Thomas, P.E.L. and Channon, P., 1985. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium effects on the incidence of Striga asiatica (L.) Kuntze in maize. Weed Research, 25(6), pp.443-447. DOI PDF

Soil fertility and plant nutrition for maize

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Farina, M.P.W., 1984. Nitrogen-phosphorus interactions in maize. Technical communication-South Africa, Department of Agriculture. PDF

Farina, M.P.W. and Channon, P., 1987. Season and phosphorus age effects on the relationship between maize yield and phosphorus soil test on a highly weathered soil. South African Journal of Plant and Soil, 4(1), pp.21-25. DOI PDF

Farina, M.P.W. and Channon, P., 1991. A field comparison of lime requirement indices for maize. Plant and Soil, 134(1), pp.127-135.DOIPDF

Farina, M.P.W., Channon, P., Thibaud, G.R. and Phipson, J.D., 1992. Soil and plant potassium optima for maize on a kaolinitic clay soil. South African Journal of Plant and Soil, 9(4), pp.193-200. DOI PDF

Farina, M.P.W., Thomas, P.E.L. and Channon, P., 1985. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium effects on the incidence of Striga asiatica (L.) Kuntze in maize. Weed Research, 25(6), pp.443-447. DOI PDF

Maziya, M., Mudhara, M. and Chitja, J., 2017. What factors determine household food security among smallholder farmers? Insights from Msinga, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Agrekon, 56(1), pp.40-52. DOIPDF

Melis, M. and Farina, M.P.W., 1984. Potassium effects on stalk strength, premature death and lodging of maize (Zea mays L.). South African Journal of Plant and Soil, 1(4), pp.122-124. DOI PDF

Mendes, A.P., Farina, M.P.W., Channon, P. and Smith, M., 1985. A field evaluation of the differential tolerance to soil acidity of forty-eight South African maize cultivars. South African Journal of Plant and Soil, 2(4), pp.215-220. DOI PDF

Schroeder, B.L., Farina, M.P.W. and Fey, M.V., 1985. A comparison of several nitrogen-availability indices on four Natal maize-producing soils. South African Journal of Plant and Soil, 2(3), pp.164-166. DOI PDF

Thamaga-Chitja, J.M., Hendriks, S.L., Ortmann, G.F. and Green, M., 2004. Impact of maize storage on rural household food security in Northern Kwazulu-Natal. Journal of Consumer Sciences, 32. DOIPDF

Pest and disease management for maize

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Suzette Bezuidenhout and Archana Nunkumar 2017. Chemical control options for Fall Armyworm in maize. KwaZulu-Natal Department of Agriculture and Rural Development. PDF

Overholt, W.A., A.J. Ngi-Song, C.O. Omwega, S.W. Kimani-Njogu, J. Mbapila, M.N. Sallam and V. Ofomata. 2020. An Ecological Approach to Biological Control of Gramineous Stemborers in Africa: The Introduction and Establishment of Cotesia flavipes Cameron (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE), Nairobi, Kenya. HTML

Soyabean Glycine max

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DAFF, 2010. Soya beans: Production guideline. Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, South Africa. Pretoria.
This 24-page guideline deals with soya bean (soybean) production in South Africa. Production information includes details on cultivars, climatic and soil requirements, land preparation, planting dates, plant spacing and population, fertilization, irrigation, weed, pest anf disease management and harvesting. There are also sections covering post-harvest handling and utilisation.

Van Wyk, Wessel. 2020. Soybean cultivation in South Africa. (Video)
A video created to assist soybean producers; covers choice of cultivars, seedbed preparation, planting dates, plant structure, inoculation, fertilisation, foliar feeding, weed control, insects, and harvesting.

Dlamini, T.S., Tshabalala, P. and Mutengwa, T., 2014. Soybeans production in South Africa. OCL-Oilseeds and Fats, Crops and Lipids, 21(2).
This paper includes discussion of the importance of soya beans and their value chain in South Africa. Aspects included are soya bean utilization, present production and future possibilities.
Abstract – Soybeans are a small but important and growing component of South Africa’s agricultural economy. Large-scale production of soybeans did not begin until the late 1990s in South Africa, and area planted to soybeans has expanded rapidly. Rising yields supported by a favourable agricultural policy environment backing the commercialisation and use of agricultural biotechnologies, has facilitated a smooth transition of commercial farmers from the production of traditional grains to soybean production and to be able to rotate soybeans with other grain crops to maximise profits. Although soybeans are produced in nearly all the 9 provinces in South Africa, there is significant variation in output from one province to the other. Using data from the Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF), this paper examines the production efficiency of each province with respect to area under production, output and yield per hectare for the past 25 years. Despite the potential of the former homelands in soybean production, there is little progress owing to infrastructural problems and unfamiliarity with the crop. In order to improve production and consumption of soybeans in these areas of South Africa, it may help to set up soybean out-grower schemes, which will encourage smallholder farmers to pool their output and earn income from soybeans whilst learning the food value of the crop.

Protein Research Foundation. 2020. Crop protection chemicals registered for use on soybeans. PDF
A list of herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and other crop protection chemicals registered in South Africa for use on soyabeans.

Dry bean Phaseolus vulgaris

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Parsons, M.J., Liebenberg, B.C., Manson, A.D., Bell, R.A., Birch, E.B. 1995. Growing dry beans in KwaZulu-Natal. KwaZulu-Natal Department of Agriculture.

Potato Solanum tuberosum

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Wheat Triticum aestivum

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Groundnut Arachis hypogaea

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Cowpea Vigna unguiculata

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Bambara groundnut Vigna subterranea

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Mung bean or green gram Vigna radiata

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Sorghum Sorghum bicolor

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Pearl millet Pennisetum glaucum

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Cassava Manihot esculenta

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Vegetables in KwaZulu-Natal

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Allemann, L. and Young B.W. 1998. Vegetable Production In A Nutshell. Department of Agriculture, South Africa. Pretoria.
Crop-specific guidelines are given for a range of vegetable crops grown in South Africa, along with general fertiliser guidelines. Suitable climate, soil types, cultivars, sowing times, seeding rates, plant population and spacing are outlined, and brief indications are given regarding the required fertiliser, possible pests and diseases, and likely yields. Vegetables included are beetroot, brinjal (eggplant), cabbage, carrot, chilli (hot pepper), trailing cucurbits (butternut, gem squash, hubbard squash, pumpkin), green bean (bush type), green pea, lettuce, amadumbe (taro), onion, potato, sweet pepper, sweet potato, swiss chard, and table tomato.

Sweet potato






Amadumbe, Broccoli, Green bean, Pea, Pumpkins, Cucumber, Wild watermelon, Lettuce, Sweet pepper, Chilli, Beetroot, Brinjal (Eggplant), Tomato, Swiss chard, Leafy vegetables.

Fruit and nut crops in KwaZulu-Natal

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Sheard, A.G., Allemann, L. and Young, B. 2006. Fruit and Nut Production in KwaZulu-Natal. KwaZulu-Natal Department of Agriculture and Environmental Affairs. PDF
This document gives a range of recommendations for the production of 18 different fruits and nuts in KwaZulu-Natal. These include fruit suited to the subtropical coastal zones (such as mango and litchi) to those that require the cooler climate of the highlands of the province (such as apple, peach and nectarine); also included are avocado, banana, citrus, granadilla, papaya, pineapple, sweet cherry, macadamia, pecan, strawberry, raspberry, blackberry and blueberry. Details regarding the natural resource (climate and soil) requirements are given for each crop. Outlines of the management requirements for each species include information on planting times, bearing age, plant spacing, fertilization, irrigation, possible yields, pests, diseases and suitable varieties.

Sheard, A.G. and Kaiser, C. 2001. Integrated pest & disease management (IPDM) of apples & pears in KwaZulu-Natal. KZN Agri Report No. 2001/05. KwaZulu-Natal Department of Agriculture and Environmental Affairs, South Africa. Pietermaritzburg.PDF






Pecan, Litchi, Marula, Num-num, Apple, Pear, Strawberry, Blackberry, Raspberry, Blueberry.

Forage crops

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Kikuyu, ryegrass, lucerne, white clover, Eragrostic curvula, Cynodon species.

Other crops

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Hemp Cannabis sativa

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Adesina, I., Bhowmik, A., Sharma, H. and Shahbazi, A., 2020. A Review on the Current State of Knowledge of Growing Conditions, Agronomic Soil Health Practices and Utilities of Hemp in the United States. Agriculture, 10(4), p.129. DOI PDF

Finnan, J. and Burke, B., 2013. Potassium fertilization of hemp (Cannabis sativa). Industrial Crops and Products, 41, pp.419-422. DOI

Iványi, I. and Izsáki, Z., 2009. Effect of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilization on nutrional status of fiber hemp. Communications in soil science and plant analysis, 40(1-6), pp.974-986. PDF]

Jordan, H.V., Lang, A.L. and Enfield, G.H., 1946. Effects of Fertilizers on Yields and Breaking Strengths of American Hemp, Cannabis Sativa L. Agronomy Journal, 38(6), pp.551-562. DOI

Papastylianou, P., Kakabouki, I. and Travlos, I., 2018. Effect of nitrogen fertilization on growth and yield of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.). Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 46(1), pp.197-201. PDF]

Tang, K., Struik, P.C., Yin, X., Calzolari, D., Musio, S., Thouminot, C., Bjelková, M., Stramkale, V., Magagnini, G. and Amaducci, S., 2017. A comprehensive study of planting density and nitrogen fertilization effect on dual-purpose hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) cultivation. Industrial Crops and Products, 107, pp.427-438. PDF

Van der Werf, H.M.G. and Van den Berg, W., 1995. Nitrogen fertilization and sex expression affect size variability of fibre hemp (Cannabis sativa L.). Oecologia, 103(4), pp.462-470. PDF

Medicinal plants

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Williams, V.L., Victor, J.E. and Crouch, N.R., 2013. Red listed medicinal plants of South Africa: status, trends, and assessment challenges. South African Journal of Botany, 86, pp.23-35. DOI PDF