This is a bot run by Slava Ukrajini Heroyam Slava (discuss · contribs · count · logs · block log · rfp · rights).
It is designed to automate the manual task of maintaining a users and contributors page. If you want to use this bot for your book, please make sure it has a user and contributors page using the following naming convention: BOOKNAME/Authors & Contributors
. If it’s named differently, please move it. If you want to use this page for a one page book, please create a dedicated page for the list of authors and contributors and embed it in the main page of the book. Then, add the title of your book to the end of this list, separated by <br>. Not a link, just a title. Also there’s a blacklist so that the bot won’t include bots and vandals in the list. If you notice a bot or vandalism-only account added to the list of authors and contributors, please add it to the blacklist. If the account in question has engaged in both vandalism and constructive editing, please do not add it. I might implement a system where blacklisted users can be whitelisted for certain books.
Warning: Proceed with caution while adding books with short titles. If the book Minecraft for example gets added to the list, it will also include all the contributors for the book Minecraft resource gathering. The correct way to add it is to add Minecraft%2F to the list. This will not include the contributors who contributors to the main page of the book though, that means that with single page books like Dad ‘n Me Walkthrough, it will completely break the list (I tried to maker the code add %2F to all titles while parsing, and this is the reason why I cancelled this feature). Don’t worry though, if you add Minecraft%2F to the list, the code will know that the page with the list of Authors and Contributors is Minecraft/Authors & Contributors, and not Minecraft%2F/Authors and Contributors.
Steps to setup a authors and contributors page
[edit | edit source]- Add the book's name to this list. Each book name is seperated by a <br> and should not use links. The title is case-sensitive.
- Add to the table of contents of your book a link to
BOOKNAME/Authors & Contributors
, or add the page to another as a template, as in Guide to the Godot game engine/Contributors.