This is me: Hello everyone. My name is Brianna Baxley, but as you can see I like to go by Bri. This is my first year at ODU. I transfered from Virginia Wesleyan College this pat fall. It was a big change for me, but I am used to it now. I am seeking a degree in Education for Health and Physical Education. I hope to teach at the secondary level. I also plan to coach volleyball and possibly track and field. Sports has been a big part of my life since I was five years old, so teaching elements of physical education and health is right where I belong. Besides sports I like to draw, paint, exercise, go to the beach, eat (a lot), hang out with my family and friends, go on dates with my boyfriend, stuff like that. I have two dogs and four cats. Oh and a turtle named ET. As you can tell, I am a big pet lover. I am an outgoing, fun-loving person that simply enjoys life.
My Teaching Philosophy: My philosophy of education is simple, focus on teh student. I believe the learning environment should be student-centered. I do not think students should be sitting for the whole class period listening to a teacher lecture. As I have experienced in my learning, lectues are boring and do not make students feel like they are even present. A classroom should have a small section for lecture and other time sections for activities. When you get the student practicing what they just listened to, they absorb the content more because they practiced it. I think students should feel like they are doind more than just listening to facts. They should feel like they are taking in something important and something they can use outside of the classroom. I also believe that all sutudents learn differently and their different abilities should be addressed. Some students like lectures and individual work, while others like activities and group work. All students are different. I hope to follow my philosophy when it is my time in the classroom and gym.