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About Me

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I was born in Aberdeen, Maryland but am not "from" anywhere. I've always lived somewhat of a transient life, but have been in Virginia for a few years now. I plan on moving to Asheville, North Carolina once I graduate from Old Dominion (PreK-6 major). I hope to eventually teach in the private sector, unless our election this year puts someone in office who is willing to repeal or amend George "Dubya" Bush's NCLB Act. I currently have little to no "free time," but the template suggests we mention something about what we do, so here goes! I work as a professional magician, stiltwalker, fire-breather, and juggler. I also substitute in public schools since the bulk of my entertainment work is during the summer months with festivals.

Philosophy of Education

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I once heard a quote somewhere that went something along the lines "that the farce of education is that is robs children of discovery." I'm sure I missed the mark by quoting that verbatum, but it still gets the point across. I hope, as an educator that I can help students discover passions of their own by introducing them to all the wonders that lay hidden in the classroom through history, literature, or whatever other subject ignites a fire within them. It will be a difficult task under the No Child Left Behind Act, but there is always hope that our next Commander in Chief will either repeal the NCLB or heavily amend it. If it were to remain as it is in current form, I'd like to migrate to the private sector eventually. Students should be given the opportunity to think freely, rather than work on memorization skills. I hope to be able to introduce students to information that will not only educate them, but encourage discovery on their own as well.

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Stiltwalking at Floydfest 2008.
Rabbit (me) and Hare (Ken Julian) with a new twist.
Photo-op with the family. Notice the baby's stylin' tye-dye fishing hat.
File:Bockingfloyd.jpg Everyone should own a pair of Powerisers "Jumping Stilts."

edit - moved comment from classmate to the discussion page.