User:Ben pcc/Tex

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Am using this page to render TEX for whatever reason (likely school).

(old stuff removed August 2007)

Timoshenko beam theory

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Blatantly copied from Math isn't rendering right there.

w is transverse displacement, ψ is angular displacement, "κ is a constant which depends on the geometry of the beam" <- what the hell?

G is shear modulus. ρ is (volume) density, so A is area. All variables are assumed functions of x.

"The Euler-Bernoulli system (5.4) is recovered in the limit as AκG [increases with no limit] and ρI [approaches 0] [131]."

For a square, κ = 5/6 (called "Timoshenko's coefficient), reference given to Shock and Vibration Handbook.

For derivation, refer to:

Wave Motion in Elastic Solids.

Mechanical Vibrations, 2nd Ed.

Vibrations in Mechanical Systems.

Theory of Vibrations with Applications.

Principles of Vibration.

Kavrayskiy VII, according to D. Goldberg:

You get to pick k, it's usually taken to be something like 1.2.

Addendum: no you don't. k = 1, period.

Some high(er) order finite differences: