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User:Boldingd/Sandbox/GuiProgramming/Overriding Draw Methods

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Overriding Draw Methods

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Previously, we considered a model of the event loop that included a 'draw' step. During this step in the event loop, any widget whose state has been changed since the last cycle of the event-loop will redraw itself. The reader may well wonder what this process actually looks like.

Looking back on our widget gallery, the reader may well think of some interesting widget that they have seen in use that has not been covered. If the student can identify such a widget, it is likely that that widget is not a commonly-used one: the student might, for example, consider a widget that displays a graph of data. It is very unlikely that such a specialized widget would be included in most kits; furthermore, there is no obvious way to create such a widget by combining any of the common widgets that we have discussed. Presumably, at least in some kits, there is provision for building completely unique widgets by use of low-level drawing facilities.

In this chapter, we will look at how widgets draw themselves, and discuss providing out own Render methods to implement custom widgets.

A Word of Caution

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This is a non-trivial process. There is a significant amount of work involved in implementing even simple drawing logic -- and an enormous amount of work required to implement that logic 'correctly'. These systems are far more detailed than those that we have been using before, and will require us to manage and account for a great many details in order to produce just the result that we want.

The Draw Method

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Object-oriented techniques are used throughout graphical programming, and drawing logic is no exception. In many kits, there is a Paint method included on the BasicWidget; when it is time to redraw a widget, the system calls the Paint method on that widget. Paint methods are meant to be overridden, and most widgets (other than those composed of other widgets) perform their drawing by overriding the Paint method. When we wish to implement our own completely novel widget, we can do so by overriding the Paint method and providing our own rendering logic.

State Objects

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The user with some understanding of graphics might imagine that we will be given a grid of pixels by the system, and that they will programatically set each pixel to some desirable value. While this would work, it is not practical: if nothing else, it likely will require every programmer to re-implement the same types of methods, like drawing lines or placing images to the screen. Additionally, and more subtly, it makes the assumption that the system can conveniently give us a grid of pixels to work with; this assumption does not reasonably describe how modern graphics cards function. Finally, it would effectively preclude many modern graphical techniques; imagine if every GUI developer had to re-implement SVG support on top of raw pixel buffers.

Instead, the vast majority of modern graphical kits will provide us with classes to represent the state of a canvas, and classes or methods that allow us to manipulate that canvas. When we implement a paint method, we will be given (or get from the system) an instance of such a class, and we will use the methods on it, perhaps with the help of support classes, to draw geometric figures, fill them, display images or render text.

It is important to understand that, in some modern kits, even though we appear to, for example, call a DrawCircle() function, and then have a circle appear on the screen where our widget is, that the system does not in fact actually render the circle into whatever graphics buffer backs our window when the function was called. Many modern systems might cache the drawing commands, for example, and issue them in a batch; they might render our commands to a set of SVG instructions and cache those instructions; or they might save the buffer that our instructions produce, and update it only when strictly necessary.

Common Options

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Many modern kits will provide us with several basic graphical primitives that the system supports. Many canvases will support rendering the following:

  • Lines
  • Curves
  • Circles
  • Rectangles
  • Images
  • Text

Additionally, we can frequently set the 'border' of the figure being drawn, and we will be given the ability to specify a 'fill' that colors the interior.


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In practice, we will typically have some idea about the size of the patch of screen that the system has allocated to our widget specifically; we will refer to this as its 'allocation'. If we know the width and height of our allocation in pixels, we will then position several of the above primitives to create the layout that we want.

(Canvases will typically use a 2D Cartesian coordinate system, with each unit corresponding to a pixel on screen. A common - but by no means universal - choice for the origin (the [0, 0] pixel) is the top left.)


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The alert reader may notice that we have assumed that the system has determined our allocation and given it to us before we actually start to render the widget. This suggests that there should be some machinery in place to determine the size of our widget, and that that machinery should operate without having to actually render our widget.

This is in fact typically the case. In addition to the Paint function, many kits also include 'sizing' functions - functions that return for example the minimum, maximum or preferred size of a widget, given its current configuration. We have not had to interact with these functions before, as they are usually used by the layout manager to lay out components without us having to do anything.

However, if we are providing a custom graphical display, we will frequently also have to provide (accurate) implementations of the appropriate layout functions, so that the layout-manager will be able to size and place our widget.

Property Dependency

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We have mentioned that the 'size' that we compute might be dependent on the 'properties' that are set on our window. If we are implementing a text control, the size of the text might change if, for example, the font is changed; if we are implementing a page-selection widget, the size will change if the number of pages is changed; and so on. Generally, most users will want to be able to configure the properties of our widgets at run-time; more significantly, many kits (and particularly many designers) might 'require' our widgets to be run-time reconfigurable. Typically in object-oriented programming, we will not expose properties as primitive variable; we will rather have defined 'getters and setters' for our properties.

In the setter for a layout-affecting property, we will 'invalidate' or 'damage' our display. Then, the system will re-compute the layout of any widget that contains our custom widget (and we should return a new sizing computed from the changed properties). Then, we will be given some specific allocation (possibly different from our sizing request) and we will render ourselves.


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When drawing our own widgets, we will typically have to create our own events to accompany them. We will not have the benefit of using existing widgets as components, and therefore we will not be able to receive high-level, abstract events (like Clicked or EnterPressed). Here, too, we turn to machinery provided to us by the BasicWidget class: it will frequently include "low level" events - like key-pressed, mouse-down or mouse-up. We will attach to these primitive events, and generate the high-level events that we define as appropriate.

Here again, recall that, in order to re-render your widget so that changes can be displayed, you will have to mark the widget as 'damaged'; you should not actually re-draw the widget during the event handler. This implies that you will need to add the machinery to your class to track the 'state' of your widget.

For example, suppose we have a widget that displays several icons, and we want to draw the one that the mouse is over differently. We would connect to the MouseMoved event; when the mouse moves, we will get its new coordinates, and see if they are within the area of one of our icons. If it is, we will have to record the number of that icon in a class variable - say "this.mouseOverIconNumber" - and mark the widget as 'damaged'. When the widget is redrawn, we will consult the "mouseOverIcon" variable, and draw the indicated icon differently.


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As a final note, many kits implement 'printing' as a special case of widget drawing. At some point in the printing process, the system will provide a window-like object representing a 'page' - as in, a physical page of paper. The programmer will then use the same set of mechanisms, rendering into a buffer. However, at some point the user might mark a page as 'complete', at which point, rather than rendering to the screen, the buffer that the user has built up will be printed to an actual page.