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the Tundras animals

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     in the tundra there are many different animals like:
     polar bears, 
     snow leopards,
polar bears

land animals

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polar bears are bears that live in a snowy anatcica and there are in their normal home. And there name is POLAR bear because they are bears that would lived in polar regions. Penguins are very much amphibians because they spend most of there time on land but they do go under water to catch there pray but are still birds. snow lepards are like unusual leopardsbut they live in the couldest of places and they would catch other creaters like seals and other fish sometimes if there unluky penguins they face many dangers.

under water animals

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killer whales eat on other smaller fish and killer whales swim under thin or thick icebergs. Seals also eat fish smaller than them and they also are can go on land but they would often be in water and they would go on land to rest when they needed to! Also there are other types of whales such as norwalls which are whales with horns on there heads and there are also hump back whales but they don't have to be in polar regions they could just be in aquatic biome.


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their are many dangers and things to be aware of when you are close to the top of the food chain and like penguins and fish they are a very small dish for whales more than 10 times there size. and also lots of high hill which could injure the animals very badly. Also their face the danger of poachers and snow leopards are close to gone.