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Diamond Escha Burke

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About Me

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My name is Diamond Burke I was born and raised in Virginia and I have spent the latter part of my life in Chesapeake. I have loved to write since I was a little child; hence, my major is English, but at the same time I enjoy teaching. I love these things so much because words have power and meaning and because teachers help future generations by passing on their knowledge. I also love to sew, making pillows and blankets and sewing together clothes have always been one of my favorite pastimes. I've always been a creative person in anything I do whether it be writing or sewing. My greatest wish is that I leave a lasting impression on this world by just being me an doing what I love to do.

Educational Philosophy

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Teaching and teachers are vital in this day and age, the information and things we pass on will help shape future generations. If you really think about we could not do or go anywhere without teachers. The mark of a great teacher is someone who instills values in a child and gives them the necessary tools to succeed in life in anything they do. It means going beyond the call of the classroom to be more than a teacher but really a mentor and a guide. Teachers shouldn't just stick to the curriculum for SOL's sake, but more expand a childs horizion and show them all possibilities and sides. A great teacher can spark any child's imagination and get them thinking what if when they are outside the classroom, and they are also versatile and able to reach any and all children. When it comes to being a teacher it isn't simply a job or a career it is a way of life because you are always teaching even when you are outside of the classroom; there is always a new lesson to be learned.