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  1. Can a variable name start with a number?
  2. Can a variable name start with a typographical symbol (e.g. #, *, _)?
  3. Give an example of a C variable name that would not work. Why doesn't it work?
  1. No, the name of a variable must begin with a letter (minuscule or majuscule), or a underscore.
  2. Only the underscore can be used.
  3. for example, p$t is not allowed because $ is not a valid character for the name of a variable.


NOTE: Other methods exist to do this action that is commonly refered as using include guards.

Other methods exist to do this action that is commonly refered as using include guards. jkhsdxjk kwx kxhj khjx kxj kxhjsx ksxhsj xkx shx ksjxhs xkshx khx skjxh sxkhwioxj ljx kx lkjlx l


To do:

One should avoid using both solutions in release code but may use it to do a quick test/debug.
The use of C-style comments should be avoided as they are considered outdated..
Mixing C and C++ style comments may be considered poor practice.

 /** this is a comment of function XXXX
  * this function do 
  *    - tests XXX
  *    - allocated ZZZ

try to avoid using C style inside a function because of the non nesting facility of C style (see below)

  • Wiki software has a feature to move pages. That functionality can not be used for merging two pages with simular content. As merging two pages are probably not easy, an append functionality would be nice to have. The append functionality would append the history information as well. So the merging process would look like this: 1.) Append one page to the other. 2.) Delete the old appended page. 3.) Reorganize the content of the new page. The page structure will be lost, but the content history will be preserved. Ervinn 14:25, 13 September 2006 (UTC)

Use case is a systematic description of the user-system interactions. Many times user interacts with the system in different times that results similar response from the system. Similar interactions can be part of different business processes. Also one user interaction can be sub-divided to smaller ones. It can be, but does not have to be. We divide if one of the sub use case can be reused in a different business flow.
For example in a retail application, we have two business flows. One is to buy an item, the other is to return an item. During creating the use case, we recognize that in both interactions the taxes need to be calculated. So we can create a use case called "Calculate Taxes Use Case" and we include it to both the "Buy Use Case" and "Return Use Case".

Sub pages

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