User:Fountain Pen/The History of the Native Peoples of the Americas/Project Page

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This page is for working on the book The History of the Native Peoples of the Americas. Each chapter contains a todo list, a development summary, and a list of drafts. Any items in the todo section and development summary that have been crossed out have been completed.

Chapter 1

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To do:

  • Develop contents page.
  • Import introduction.
  • Finish Zapotec section.
  • De-wikify Aztec Section.
  • Add cultural content to Toltec section.
  • Add geographic content to Maps blank areas.
  • Finish other sections.
  • Build Glossary and Gazeteer.
  • Build apendices.

Development Summary

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  • The contents page should be more pleasing to look at. Consider adding pictures. Also put the first paragraph of each section under the heading to give readers a preview of the section.
  • The introduction should be imported from the first four paragraphs of Wikipedia:Mesoamerica.
  • The Zapotec section is almost finished, but a few areas need to be expanded a little more.
  • The Aztec section was imported and is full of broken links that need to be removed. There are also a few templates that need to be fixed.
  • The Toltec section only talks about wether the Toltecs existed or not. It should also talk about what their culture is, assuming they did exist.
  • In the maps section, there are several blank areas that should describe how the geography of a certain region affected the people who lived there.
  • Several other sections need to be developed by simply adding more content.
  • The glossary (list of terms) and gazeteer (list of places) should include only terms and places mentioned in the chapter.
  • Several appendices need to be drafted and built.


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Chapter 2

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To do:

  • Draft list of cultures.

Development Summary

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  • Create a draft of the introduction page including introduction, list of cultures, appendices, and reference sections.


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