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Emerging Learning Technology: Virtual Reality

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The Surprising Joy of Virtual Reality: And why it's about to change the world. So read Time Magazine's cover story on August 17, 2015. Since then, Jaron Lanier, the man who either coined or popularized the term "virtual reality" (Lanier, n.d.), has said one of his favorite applications of the virtual reality is its use in surgical training (Firth, 2013, June 19). IBM has been using 3D virtual worlds to train employees in developing code as part of a global team, improving sales skills before they meet with clients, and even signing up for employee benefits (IBM Corporate Communications, 2006). As more learner-centered and inquiry-based approaches take off, we should look at this emerging learning technology and its clear opportunities and advantages.

Different kinds of virtual reality

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LearnBrite, an eLearning company that incorporates virtual reality into its learning experiences, classifies virtual reality as either immersive or non immersive (LearnBrite, 2014).

Immersive virtual reality

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A man wearing an Oculus Rift headset. This hardware allows immersive virtual reality.

Immersive virtual reality gives the user the sensation of being physically present in a virtual world. This is achieved by surrounding the user in a visual environment (usually using a physical apparatus like a smartphone inside a Google Cardboard viewer, or an Oculus Rift headset) and possibly adding sound or some other stimuli). Some hardware can track a user's locomotion, head movements, and hand gestures (Stein, 2015, August 6).

One form of immersive virtual reality is the cave automatic virtual environment (also known by the acronym CAVE). In this form, projectors create images on three to six of the walls in a room-sized cube. The name refers to the the cave allergory in Plato's Republic, in which a philosopher ponders the nature of reality, illusion, and perception.

A non immersive virtual reality CAVE installation at the University of Illinois in Chicago. [1]

Non immersive virtual reality

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Non immersive virtual reality more closely resembles traditional web browsing and allows a user to look at a virtual environment via a screen and projector, a PC monitor, a tablet, a smartphone, or any other similar device.

Examples of learning experiences involving virtual reality

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Designing, building, and racing cars

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Students at the Detroit Institute of Technology at Cody used immersive virtual reality via Oculus Rift to visit an assembly line and build a lightweight car . They then took the car to a virtual racetrack and raced it competitively. (Smith, 2015, October 9)

Training Canadian border guards

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Loyalist College near Toronto Canada used to train guards for the Canadian-American border on-site for three weeks, but then a change in national security laws after the 9-11 terrorist attacks made that impossible. After suffering a fall in student morale and learning outcomes, the college built a virtual replica of the border and its security outposts in Second Life, and conducted non immersive virtual reality training there. Students controlled avatars and became familiar with the real-life environment, and conducted role plays. After rolling out the virtual reality training component, the college measured a 30% increase in learning successes. According to Ken Hudson, Managing Director, Virtual World Design Center at Loyalist College, “No single technological addition has ever impacted grades at the college in such a positive way." (Linden, 2009, July 10)

Practicing surgical procedures

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In 1989 there was concern because the benefits of minimally-invasive surgery were coming with significantly higher rate of patient complications, particularly when surgeons’ were not experienced with the procedures. Since experimenting on real patients was highly problematic, learners started practicing in virtual reality, using a "3D box" around a computer screen. Surgeons and would-be surgeons physically manipulated surgical tools inside the box. Results of a randomized, double-blinded study were published in 2002, showing the virtual reality (VR) training produced excellent success in learning outcomes. According to the authors:

The validation of VR training in training operative skills marks a turning point in surgical education. The potential exists to train a resident to a high level of objectively measured skill before he or she is permitted to operate on a patient. VR trainers and simulators offer the advantage of allowing as much training as is required to achieve the training goal. (Seymour et al., 2002)

Customized role plays

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Some Second Life members have created dedicated role-play groups equipped with simulated costumes and equipment. One subgenre does fire-fighting role plays, complete with "working water hoses."

Learning experience designers can take advantage of the technology available in Second Life and other virtual reality worlds and simulate various types of fires (Fire and Rescue, n.d.). Each learner can control a personalized avatar, communicate via headset and microphone, and collaborate during role plays. In the Second Life city of Bodhisena, there is a role play organization called the Second Life Fire Department (SLFD). Organizers create fires in restaurants, office towers, sewers, etc. Designers can also control the type of fire, so some can only be extinguished by foam. If you use water in the wrong situation, the fire will spread. The role play group has even created a fire academy to train people interested in joining (GoodFellow Aabye, 2007, November 16).

Tips for facilitator-led learning experiences

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Anders Gronstedt is the president of the Gronstedt Group, which develops customized immersive VR learning programs for Fortune 500 clients. He recommends five competencies when leading training in virtual worlds (Kapp, 2010, November 4). They are:

  1. Be a guide-on-the-side, not a sage-on-a-stage Follow a learner-centered approach. Let peers teach each other, and take advantage of design features in your virtual environment to facilitate collaboration. Break-out rooms can be created in a variety of different ways.
  2. Give tours, not classes Don’t put avatars in virtual chairs and use PowerPoint slides; Training like that is better done through videoconferencing technologies like WebEx. If 2-D images like slides are necessary, walking tours are effective. One benefit is the facilitator can easily see who is following by looking at what avatars are doing.
  3. 3-D props work better than 2-D images Visualize products and environments in 3-D. Create workable replicas of cars or full-scale oil rigs. Play with scale and let learners walk around inside a molecule.
  4. Focus on informal learning, not formal Schedule the equivalent of conversations around a water cooler by creating areas where learners can hang out, socialize, and collaborate. This can be in virtual cafes or on virtual beaches or somewhere more exotic. Encouraging people to come early to meetings and then stay late will give them the opportunity to expand their networks and learn from each other.
  5. Ask for forgiveness, not permission Your legal department, HR, IT and others may want non-customizable avatars in a virtual, grey conference room. Don’t let them or anyone keep you from real learning opportunities.

Specific types of activities for learners to engage in

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Kapp and O'Driscoll (2010) list eleven types of activities possible in virtual reality worlds. Calling them archetypes, they label them as follows:

  1. Avatar persona [creation] Research has shown that people put emotional and intellectual investment into their avatars. An experiment at Ohio University showed that imagining oneself in the third person makes it easier for you to change your behavior in the future. This has valuable implications for learning designers.
  2. Role play This is used in a variety of ways, including sales training where one trainee plays a sales representative and another plays a customer. This is enhanced not only by the visuals and voice communication possible trainees, but by the ability of learning designers (and trainees) to create specialized large-sized, manipulable 3D objects representing products or tools in the sales environment. Trainers or facilitators can watch, listen, and then lead debriefing sessions.
  3. Scavenger hunt Scavenger hunts can be used to orient learners to a new environment they will be operating in. Learners can look for specific 3D objects and take virtual photos to verify that they found them. This can be done in virtual groups, giving participants a chance to share information and get to know each other.
  4. Guided Tour Guided tours can not only take learners around and inside virtual buildings, but also inside replicas of the human nervous system, computer circuit boards, or complex computer routers. Learners can find their own way, be led by avatar guides, or use computerized maps for reference. This can be useful for teaching facts, concepts, and locations, and features. It can also help illustrate relationships between products, locations, or features.
  5. Operational Application
    A user with a glove for use in a virtual reality environment.
    Learners can be asked to interact with and manipulate objects in order to gain understanding of them, or become proficient in how to use them to complete a task. Examples include vehicle simulators, or scenarios where learners are given a space, shelves, and products and told to create a display that would entice customers. Objects can be manipulated via special computerized gloves, controllers (like with the Nintendo Wii), or just with a computer mouse in a non immersive environment.
  6. Conceptual Orienteering As the name suggests, this kind of activity allows learners to learn about concepts by examining examples and non-examples. Some insurance agents go through this type of training to learn about how different kinds of collisions affect a vehicle. What kind of damage will a side impact cause versus a frontal impact? Learners can examine cars from all angles, and from up close or far away. Conceptual orienteering also works with representations of historical locations and events, science and engineering concepts, and more. The more interaction the learners can have with the environment, the better.
  7. Critical Incident [simulations/role plays] Building fires, oil spills, medical emergencies and more can be recreated in environments that would be dangerous or impossible for learners to access in the real world. Do the learners analyze and evaluate what is happening? Do they recognize what should be prioritized? Do they follow proper protocol and procedure? Do they communicate well with each other and work as a team? All of this can be observed and assessed by facilitators and training leaders. Strategically placed "cameras" can record the action, then play it back during debriefing sessions.
  8. Co-Creation Teams of learners can work together to create new items, products, machines, buildings, or even landscapes. Time can be sped up or slowed down as appropriate. Learners can be provided with specialized tools, or even be expected to "fix" or build them themselves. One drawback is learning how to create things inside a digital world can be challenging, and those with prior experience may dominate the activity and other learners are reduced to spectators or cheerleaders.
  9. Small Group Work Small groups may get together and communicate or collaborate via text or voice chat.
  10. Group Forums Tens or hundreds of people can gather together to listen to a speech or presentation. While this is typically better done using a platform like WebEx, sometimes it is desirable to meet in a virtual replica of a particular environment. Other times, a speech is immediately followed by learning-by-doing activities.
  11. Social Networking As mentioned previously, experts like Anders Gronstedt recommend planning free time for participants to loiter and engage in informal learning. They may reflect on what they've learned, discuss aspects of the jobs, exchange real world contact information, or discuss projects they are working on.

Instructional Design Principles

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Kapp and O'Driscoll (2010) list eight instructional design principles to consider when using 3D immersive environments in learning.

Design Principles Key Questions to Consider
Instructionally Grounded
  • Is the learning intervention addressing a vetted business or educational need?
  • Are the learning objectives optimized to addres the business or educational need?
  • Is a 3D learning environment the most efficient and effective mechanism for transferring the learning?
Participant Centered
  • Does the design place the participants in the center of the experience?
  • Are the participants learning through doing?
  • What role(s) do the participants play in the experience?
  • What actions and interactions can the participants take to encounter teachable moments within the experience?
Contextually Centered
  • What situational contexts best accommodate the learning objectives of the intervention?
  • What is the role of the facilitator, other participants, and the environment itself in creating an authentic situational context for learning?
Discovery Driven
  • What are the minimum guidelines that need to be established to catalyze action within the learning experience?
  • What information or incentives can be selectively revealed within the learning experience to motivate engagement and collaborative action within the experience?
Activity Oriented
  • What is the set of episodic activities that will immerse the participants in the learning experience?
  • What are the key actions and interactions within these episodes that trigger teachable moments for the participants?
Consequentially Experienced
  • How will participants be required to demonstrate their ability to perform?
  • How is iterative trial and error and feedback built into the learning experience?
  • What are the consequences of failure for the participant?
Collaboratively Motivated
  • How does the design encourage collaboration?
  • How will collaborative and cooperative action on the part of the teams be incentivized and rewarded? Is the reward intrinsic or extrinsic?
Reflectively Synthesized
  • How is personal reflection accommedated in the design?
  • How are team after-action reviews accommodated in the design?


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Learning experiences in virtual reality have already shown significant gains in learning outcomes. There are proven design principles and activities that allows participants to expand their networks and knowledge base, and learn by doing. As technology continues to involve, the potential for learning will grow. Researchers, practitioners, and instructional designers need to continue to find new ways to use virtual reality to engage learners, satisfy learning and organizational needs, all the while saving stakeholders time and money.


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Fire and Rescue. (n.d.) In Second Life Aviation. Retrieved April 25, 2016 from

Firth, N. (2013, June 19). Virtual reality: Meet founding father Jaron Lanier. New Scientist. Retrieved from

GoodFellow Aabye. (2007, November 16). Tower Inferno - Fire Department in Second Life. Exploring the World of Second Life. Retrieved from

IBM Corporate Communications. (2006). IBM Using Internet's Virtual World to Train Thousands of New Employees in [sic] [Press release]. Retrieved from

Kapp, Karl. (2010, November 4). Anders Gronstedt Discusses How to Lead Learning Sessions in Virtual Worlds. Kapp Notes. Retrieved from

Kapp, K. (2013, December 10). Thinking about Gamification in Learning and Instruction. Kapp Notes. Retrieved from

Kapp, K. (2015, June 8). A Conversation with Danny Stefanic of Learnbrite. Kapp Notes. Retrieved from

Kapp, K.M., & O'Driscoll, T. (2010). Learning in 3D: Adding a New Dimension to Enterprise Learning and Collaboration. San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer.

Lanier, J. (n.d.). Brief Biography of Jaron Lanier. Retrieved from

Learnbrite. (2014). The LearnBrite White Paper: An Introduction to the LearnBrite eLearning Platform (. Phoenix, AZ: Author. Retrieved from

Linden, A. (2009, July 10). Case Study: Loyalist College Massively Improves Test Scores and Training Outcomes Using Second Life. Learning Inworld General. Retrieved from

News Editor. (2015,June 24). LearnBrite Comes Out of Stealth with VR Platform for eLearning (Version 1.3). Learning Solutions Magazine. Retrieved from

Seymour, N. E., Gallagher, A. G., Roman, S. A., O’Brien, M. K., Bansal, V. K., Andersen, D. K., & Satava, R. M. (2002). Virtual Reality Training Improves Operating Room Performance: Results of a Randomized, Double-Blinded Study. Annals of Surgery, 236(4), 458–464.

Smith, D. Frank. (2015, October 15). Virtual Reality Opens New Pathways for Hands-On Learning. EdTech Magazine. Retrieved from

Stein, Joel. (2015, August 6). The Surprising Joy of Virtual Reality: And why it's about to change the world. Time. Retrieved from

  1. By User:Davepape (own work (self-photograph using timer)) [Public domain], via Wikimedia